DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE AND Oct. 30, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Campus e Dear Dre Allen: This letter is to confirm our discussion of Monday, October 25th. As you will recall we mentioned briefly the subject of my M.A. degree which I shall receive this yeare Iam working on a time accuracy ratio similar, if I may say, to the I1.Q. of psychology tests. I shall attempt to arrive at this time accuracy ratio on the basis of a physical test, I am giving, i-e., having advanced fencers and elemen- tary fencers lunging at a target which is approximately divided into the body areas of actual fencing. Both the accuracy, which we shall record by means of connected area lights which flash when the area is hit by the foil, and the time (or speed) which is recorded on a modified Hipp-chronoscope shall be taken before and after a designated amount of actual fencing. An extremely important and interesting part of this will be some general intelligence tests which the subject will take before he begins the physical part of the experiment and then after he has finished the experiment. It is hoped that we may make a start to measuring a psycho-physical ratio. In our preliminary work thus far we have found that in every tested case the individuals are mentally and physically more alert after we've worked them, ise. fenced them, for 10 minutes than before they started to fence. Henee we may offer that physical activity is beneficial to mental activity. Also you will recall that we spoke of the possibility of developing a graduate school and award M.A. degrees. As you surely know, with my advanced degree I shall be able to supervise other MoAe degrees. Also with the special training in the field of physical education and psychology and research I may be able to help to conduct further research. I feel certain that with yourself, Dr. Allen, and with Professor Elbel, Dr. Lapp and myself we can develop a real center for physical education both on the undergraduate and graduate level.