February 25, 1938. Miss Ruth Hoover, Bldgidge ilotel, Lawrones, Kansase Dear Hiss Hoovers I was very glad to reseive your note, and every day have thought I would get dom to see you, , ha able to make it yote We are leaving for Lincoln in the morning, and when we return I shall make evory effort to see yous : With best wishes, I em ne Sincerely yours, Sirector of PhysioeT Mauaation, phew My, (73F a es February 25, 1938. Wiss Elizabeth Dunkel, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansase Dear Miss Dunkel: I have just returned from making observation of the practice teaching, and I want to congratulate you and your group on the very excellent attitude that, tho practive teachers showed in their worke The thing that especially impressed me was the sericuse ness with which the teachers went at the job. , That spirit was reflected in the students, who were greatly absorbed in the works It goes without saying that the personality of the supervisor of the practice teachers was reflected in the attitude of the teacherse I enjoyed a very pleasant, instructive half=houres Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ~ FCALAH Varsity Basketball Coachs Warch 1, 1938. Professor Es Re Elbel, Department of Physical Education. Dear Eds Mrs. Tulteen tells me that you have protested against the WeS.GeAs Carnival being held in Robinson Gymmasium, and the consequent ee amen en rupting our schedule. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to write me a letter setting forth the unsatisfactory situation. I feel that we should write the W.S.G.A. people early and let them Imow of our desire for then not to continue the Carnival in our building. I will appreciate it if you will enunorate the things we should point out to thonis Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache youngsters UG34 2 il i t i mimi fy dia He HA i 1¢ fl , those of z & February 14, 1938. ire Arnold Wiehs, Buildinge Dear Mire Wiebss As you know, no boys except University students, are to use Robinson Gymnasium, and any time you are on duty wo should appreciate it 4f you would move these boys out of the buildings If you have any difficulty, call on Officer George Snyders Of course, all our employees will cooperates But mony times I am out of the office, end our teachers are not on dutys While you are on duty we would appreciate it if you would clear the building of loitererse _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducatione January 26, 1936. Mrse Leon Bauman, 615 Ohio Street, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mrse Bauman: I want you to know that we have very much appreciated your excellent and valuable class in- a ee WS POT SoeNeere We regret that things were so long delayed that you could not have been notified earlier of our desire to use you the second semestere However, I learned that you have secured a much more lucrative . position. This, together with your other work, will doubtless make you happier under the conditionse Please feel assured that your work was of the highest order, and if at any time we can testify to your worth while ability it will be a pleasure to do 500 With appreciation for your fine services, I an Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH | Director of Physical Educations Jaruary 27, 295C- Dre la ‘is beth ides ak teen etaied toes ate ts Wali, a nina ne eehaeed cal cartian Senin, tahuite "che ‘leclar ig in the basement of Robingon gymnciun, The equipsent. taken a ee | ‘tetemed an 2 canes, seers 2° as cao + coat tre Tete Quik we wea bo to cooprnte with hin ote Sas of cae ot te tao eueman ae loontede Director of Physical Mducatione i S eda gS panty ag $f ' rf i a i rahi i i . 2 maa T] | i at SH ate ds POG Muah ayy Ra Hida ght January 27, 19386 Jenuary 31, 19384 setictes better thin tnt, but it gives you the idea. Will you keep these suggestions in mind so that we can have the sceaaeh ith UE ou tnt date? I would like to have at least three posters for the exhibit at Pittsburg on March 25 and 264 I will appreciate your cooperation.s - Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA24H Varsity Fasketball Couche Jammry 10, 1938. Miss Ruth Hoover, Department of Physieal Edueation Iniversity of Kensas, Dear Mies Hoover: I om enclosing copy of a letter fran Champeller Lindley Mrs,» Bauman for the rest of the year, ee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches FOAsAH baie Crt. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS December 2, 1937. Dr, Py Gc; Allen, University of Kansas, Dear Dr, Allen, I am still unsuccessful in finding any one to take Mrs, Bauman's position for the second semester in the Physical Education Department, Graduates who are qualified to fill the position are unwilling to come , first because there is no opportunity to continue study toward a Masters degree in Physical Education, and secondly because | the salary is too low to meét their living expenses. If a Masters degree in Physical Hducation were offer- ed ab the University I beleive the difficulty might ane be overcome, I know the appointment is for only one semester, aes two of the same family may not be on “ the University staff, but since Dr. Sherbon is still on leave of absence, would it not be possible to extend Mrs, Bauman's temporary appointment for the remainder of the . year. Sincerely, Meck Miroeres ) {} (fh {/ ae pent bk ike CR tter ba Bee é / Lt & Professor We We Davis, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, 108 Administration Building, —- : nile Shing 46 the cetiin a es wens icitnins ‘end ‘they cota to think thet swinaing should be put of éteble aos” Gontlouen I earnestly request your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Herbert G. Allphin, Swimming Coach. January 5s 1958. Miss Ruth Hoover, Department of Physioal Edueation, University of Kansas. Deas Miss Hoovers Thank you very much for your thougntfulness in sending me a copy of the Cheley Camp mottos. ' These are very fine, and I shall make use of some of thems Cordially yours, Dr. and lirs. Forrest C. Allen request your presence at a tea for Physical Education Majors et their home, 801 Louisiana Street, on Sunday, January the 9th from 3 to 5 Pele ee Please inform Mrsa Hulteen, at the + Physical Education Office ‘ : whether or not you 3 | will be able to accepts ‘Members of the Physical Education Stats We have just received a statement fran Mire Ce Me Baker, Director of Libraries, of the book fund apportioned te this departuent for the year 1957<38. as teas Wiens On yeni Une $8000, for the ranainder of the acadenic yeare Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educations 2 Sa en UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Jenuary 10, 1938 We have been spending money more freely in the upkeep and maintenance of ow department then we have ever done before, but from now on wmiless there is a positive move to increase our towel service we are going te be without fumds for the second semester. It might be a good idea te get out seme printed sheets giving information about this service at the gymmsium. It ws my notion in the early fall to encourage a heavy enrollment and secure e greater towel con- sunptione In other words, I think we have got to sell this idea of the use of the gmmmsiua and the towel service more enphatically than we have done heretofore. It is our maimtemnece life bloods Unless we get a large increase in our student towel service we are going to be foreed to curtail about 30% or 40% of ow student persomel. We received this year a $1900 cut in our budgetary maintenance allowances over last year's budget. ‘we have gone ahead with imperative improvenents, treating the whole situation in an expectant second semester, but I doubt that we will heave a sustained incame can- parable to the first semester. | Your wholehearted cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. ae ee ees Sagal fh Fae ree the Seige He thee as: geen 1 Sere See yt Nan te AN St ee A es RS RN Di tL = Seeley ibn ga Sl ae ae acaba es ae ges aoe eae ae gee pec A Oa a ai ae meaereimenmree ferent Sis Aer. eras are = ‘service we are going to be without funds for the second senestor. It might be a good idea to get out some printed sheets giving information about this service at the gymmsiu. It was my notion in the early ain Thess we get a large inerease in our student towel stulent persamel. We received this yoar a $1900 cut in our buigetary ‘uaintononce allommes over last year's budgets We have gone ahead with " inporative treating the whole situation in an second semester, but I doubt that we will have a sustained income cam January 15, 1938.5 mt of Réducation, University of Kansase Dear Jim: Deeenber S, 1957.6 Wire Ex Re Elbel, : ‘Department of Physical Education. i am wondering if you are bringing up the percentages of shots for the turee games that have been played so far, in order that wo might have the progressive percentages posted on the bulletin beard. Could you have this posted this afternoon? whi bik ee eee. the score book? | = Simcerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coath, PCAsali Director of Physical Educations December 154 1987. liv, Jay Plumley, Instructors , Department of Physical Educa: BS Dear Jays | Alii tisk hae: th cath seco abc we vac tas stuff is being taken out of their indivi: prereset ar oareei Whether the students fail to put this stuff back in their haste to get to classes, or whether sone of tho stuff Le carelessly - handled, I am not at all sure. I think there is very little purloining of the stuff by the men in the locker rooms I think it would be a a for you to have a called meeting of all the boys working in the basket room and very define ig Acie ace yee Pipes Raat this equipaent isthe property of . ee eee ca. nmuch care sare by enployoes of the towel roan. ; t think « checking up oponsioally on this thing will de mush deed be svativahe tas Samhadehns I would like to have a confers ones with you on (tks miijorte - Ae X bawe told yon bafore, 3 Wak yok 06 uae weeny liber ent method et your comand to bring ebout a minimum of complaints on this towel room service. Sanday Steak Gk hs Pink AAA So fee apn’ inetied oe bee wiiktae ania “bao has anything to do with this, or is it just a Gemered inertia on the part of sane of the boys! j I was dow in the towel voom this morning and uotdeed a broken basket and other things lying around, ‘There seaus to be ne general up of their quarters and ares outside is very definitely a Co ee ee first things Aarne meanest yee tay sevtiaiy YOurss - - POAGAH i iS Director of Physical Education. / Desomber 15, 1987~« e consequence room looks very bads I will thank you to use ee herring a more tidy base~ 3 ‘ Another bad habit the ing the refuse and leaving it right do not have a dust pan there pl | we will procure one so that they may sweep the refuse up and put it in the wastebasket, Thank you very muchs POAsAH Director of Physical Education.