baie Crt. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS December 2, 1937. Dr, Py Gc; Allen, University of Kansas, Dear Dr, Allen, I am still unsuccessful in finding any one to take Mrs, Bauman's position for the second semester in the Physical Education Department, Graduates who are qualified to fill the position are unwilling to come , first because there is no opportunity to continue study toward a Masters degree in Physical Education, and secondly because | the salary is too low to meét their living expenses. If a Masters degree in Physical Hducation were offer- ed ab the University I beleive the difficulty might ane be overcome, I know the appointment is for only one semester, aes two of the same family may not be on “ the University staff, but since Dr. Sherbon is still on leave of absence, would it not be possible to extend Mrs, Bauman's temporary appointment for the remainder of the . year. Sincerely, Meck Miroeres ) {} (fh {/ ae pent bk ike CR tter ba Bee é / Lt &