December 154 1987. liv, Jay Plumley, Instructors , Department of Physical Educa: BS Dear Jays | Alii tisk hae: th cath seco abc we vac tas stuff is being taken out of their indivi: prereset ar oareei Whether the students fail to put this stuff back in their haste to get to classes, or whether sone of tho stuff Le carelessly - handled, I am not at all sure. I think there is very little purloining of the stuff by the men in the locker rooms I think it would be a a for you to have a called meeting of all the boys working in the basket room and very define ig Acie ace yee Pipes Raat this equipaent isthe property of . ee eee ca. nmuch care sare by enployoes of the towel roan. ; t think « checking up oponsioally on this thing will de mush deed be svativahe tas Samhadehns I would like to have a confers ones with you on (tks miijorte - Ae X bawe told yon bafore, 3 Wak yok 06 uae weeny liber ent method et your comand to bring ebout a minimum of complaints on this towel room service. Sanday Steak Gk hs Pink AAA So fee apn’ inetied oe bee wiiktae ania “bao has anything to do with this, or is it just a Gemered inertia on the part of sane of the boys! j I was dow in the towel voom this morning and uotdeed a broken basket and other things lying around, ‘There seaus to be ne general up of their quarters and ares outside is very definitely a Co ee ee first things Aarne meanest yee tay sevtiaiy YOurss - - POAGAH i iS Director of Physical Education. /