wales I em enclosing a copy of your calendar for the next few weekse Mre Cooper, of Lee's Summit, called me by phone inmmed- istely upon receipt of your letter, and said their banquet has been postponed to April 12. You had nothing on your calendar for that day, so I told him I thought he could cowt on you on April 12. We are to write him confirming that when you returne This morning a letter came fram K. G. Lind, of Wittenberg College, saying that by April 5 he will Ikmow the action of the committee on the coaching schoole He also goes into detail about the expense involved. During your absence there have been four inquiries about your summer coaching school. The correspondence has not been heavy, and I've been acknowledging most of the letters, saying that you will write upon your return. The furniture (2 pieces) for Miss Dunkel's office has been orderede Mre Veatch will send us three separate state- ments at intervals, so that we can get the whole order at once without having to wait for bids. I believe I have covered most of the notes I jotted downe It has been rather quiet in the gymnasium the past few days. Hope all your conventions are not too strenuous, and that you will have a little time at least for relaxation. Mrs. Allen called me this morning to ask if I had received any word from you. Sincerely yours, Bie PeSe The postoffice has assured me if I mail the reports parcel post, special delivery, that you will receive the pack- age by Monday. I hope it gets there in time. AH a “ eae an tapsabi gran A Ry. REE SAG PNGB ARSE HONE W IGS io Pd EON APN tie