ak : UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS - . LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS February 25 3 1938 e Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache ‘Dear Dre Allen: Profe Ce He McCloy and Prof. De Ke Brace have published tests called "Tests of Motor Ability" and "Tests of Motor Educability". If these tests have any value, a group of boys of superior motor ability should make very high scores on theme In order to ascertain the validity of these tests, I would like to give them to the varsity and freshman squads. The tests are composed of a series of stunts so designed that they may be given to a group in less than one hour of serious worke Do you think the squad would be willing to cooperate in such a venture and give an hour of their time as a group after the chose of the present season? Sincerely yours, ee V.w. Kak p- | | { | | } }