ELEMENTARY BOXING 3 Jim Raport, Instructor. The following outline has been compiled for use in Elementary Boxing at the University of Kansas. It is not to be considered as a complete outline of the subject but merely deals with a few principles of boxing. The numerical order listed may be changed to fit the new situations as they arise. You will be expected to Ikmow how to use and demonstrate the following: l. Ze Se De The left jab is a short, snappy thrust of the left arm calculated to jar your opponent. This should be executed quickly; timed to hit the mark and hard enough to jar your opponent. It may be used to aid your attack or prevent your opponent's attempt. Straight right:- slip in with left foot followed immediately by the right foot, allowing the body to fall forward, and at the same time hitting straight with the right hand to your opponent's jaw. Your left hand should be covering your jaw and your left elbow covering waist. The "one-two" is a combination of the left jab and the straight right hand blow. It is executed as follows: jab swiftly with a straight left to your opponent's ebdomen and follow it quickly by shooting the straight right (as in No. 2) to the jaw. This may be reversed i.e. left to jaw and right to abdomen. Keep your chin well protected at all times! Blocking a blow may be done by placing your elbows, forcarm, open hand or shoulder in the way of the blow. Use your clbow when your opponent is hitting around your waistline and midsection, at the same time the hand of the dofonsive arm should be protecting the chin. A blow at the chest may be blocked by the open hand or forcarm. Re- member, a blocked blow doesn't show! Footwork is ono of the important factors in all sports especially boxing. A moving target is hard to got. Your cquilibrium should be maintained at all times so that you may be able te strike a blow should tho oponing present itsclf. A well balanced boxer steps around adroitly; he never jumps into his oppon- ent. Rather, he moves around with agility and case. The left foot is usually the leader with the right foot placed so as to kocp your balance and following as the left foot is moved around. Practice stepping around, maintaining = balance keeping your hands always in position to hit. Tho uppercut is a blow that travels up from about the waist to a point on your opponent above the waist. It may bo oxocuted with cither the left hand or right hand. Tho uppercut is often used whon an opponent is crouched dnd you wish to streighten him up. A right uppercut:-- step in with the loft foot and follow immodiate- ly with the right foot. Shoot tho right hand up from the waist to the unguarded part of your opponent. Note: The palm of the strik- ing hand is turned inward toward you. =~ K o«