COURSES IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY : The courses listed as Physical Activity aro designed primarily to Fiews henkthy. sebehabee tnt yoredent bide Each course is oneehalf semester in length. The student selects an activity in the fall semester, which continues for the first half«semester and then changes to another activity for the remainder of the semester. During the spring senester the same practice is followed. The average of the grades for the two half-semesters' work deters mines the semester grade + one howr credit for the semesters In general, activities are divided into indoor and outdoor activities. la. ELEMENTARY BASKETBALL, Methods of passing, catching, dribbling, the pivot, and floor bounce. The fundamertal shots such as the free throw, the pushechest, the one+hand English, and the lay=-upe (EDIAWB BASKETBALL. Theories of the individual defense, individual oifense, the team defense and the “on offense are thof- oughly stressed and discussed. Prerequisite, lae lo» ADVANCED BASKETBALL. The various phases of advanced team play together with the screen or pickeoff is shows Oiligemetys ebm aa of the beskethall rules is requived, which enables the coach or officiate a game properly. Prerequisites, la and ibe