ie 75. Track and Field (M) One hour credit. Second semester. Course for Physical Education majors designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of track and field athletics. 70. Methods of Teaching Swimming (W) One hour credit. First semester. A con- sideration of the principles and methods of teaching swimning, duving, life saving and pool sanitation. Iwo periods each week. 71. Officiating I (EW) One hour credit. First semester. A study of the rules and principles of officiating the following sports: hockey, volley bail, darts, table tennis, and basket ball. Iwo periods each week. 72. Officiating II (EW) One hour credit. Second semester. A study of the rules and principles of officiating in the following sports: swimming, baseball, track, tennis, and deck tennis. Two periods eaci week. New Elective Courses 82. Advanced Football (EM) Two hours credit. First semester. Prerequisite course 35. This course is a continuation of course 35. Major emphasis is placed upon strategy of team play, coaching methods, etc. Elective for men majoring in Physical Education. 86. Advanced Track and Field (EM) . One hour credit. Second semester. Prerequisite course 75. A continuation of course 75 with major emphasis upon various methods of coaching and training. Flective for men majoring in Physical Education. 87. Advancea Swimming (Ei') One hour eredit. Second semester. A continuation of swimming taught in courses 31M and 43M with speciel emphasis upon methods of teach- ing and life saving methods. Two periods each week. 88. Advanced Gymnastics (Ei) One hour credit. First semester. Prerequisite 31M and 32M. Theoretical and practicel espects of advanced gymnastics including methods of teaching various gymnestic activities. 89. Baseball (EM) Two hours credit. Second semester. A study of the theory of baseball involving the fundamentals of individual and team play. 73. Problems in Intramural Sports (E) Two hours credit. First semester. Lectures and discussion of problems related to the various phases of intramural. athletic programs. Philosophy of intramural athletics, organization, administration, points systems, and suggestions for intramural sports programs in the school system will be stressed in this course. Zlbel 74, Tests and Measurements in Physical Education (E) Two hours credit. First semester. Prerequisite course 36. This course involves the use of clementary techniques in measurements as applicd to tests in Yhysical Education. A study of the more common types of tests in tne field. Hoover