m2 wn 96 Four-a-side badminton, Two in front, two at back, Both front players sorve, after first “sido out", but back ones wait until thoir side is in-again, when thoy change places with front playors., Either one front or one back playor may reccive birdy x x x x “ * F x x x x 10. Throc-a-side badminton, Iwo front, one back playor, Back playor may receive sorvico on oither sido, as well as one in front. Servico samc as in doubles, excerpt pleyors shift counter- clockwiso for a turn aftor tho side is "in" again, Sone of the above items may be omittod, owing to lack of timo, Advanccd Strokos, Le Forchand and backhand drive, Le Overhead drop shot, Oe Smashing round the hoad, 4, Backhand smash, De Drive sorvicc, snots dosired by players, 6, Aes "tric"