aD ~~ " Sige Bee FA ipa Set ee ke Leader feoades. yell. over the not to first pleyer in line, sP\ returns ball using an overhand volley, Repeat. 7 sr\goes to ond of line, “hen. ¥ll have had turns, loader chooses someone to trade places with her. Play proceads: anti: tine 1 ealtods hin coe * Goaching Point: “a Bade cs on ball. b,. Feee b’ll squaroly. ec. Knées Rléxed, ready to. s} oD: an Bay Ghrey meee or to “+ Ayup 42 mecessary. oy “er: Bat pat Renny orks e sit a light touch. e. Hands uppand in front ¢f fac ee, icare relaxcd, point- ing upwa4 rd. oe Addi tioned Somontsh 5 poe ae, on ey ey The toss is used so te5 the ball can be sent to an ideal position fdr a retyrn volley. Two consceutive turns are given sb that players may ae ee correct errors, : ee | This practice fo nation is intended for use at the start FOF the | season\/ Bo me Ss G hs “Placotiont of the Pd Shier ea lstton to. tho. net is purposcly omitted uncey “\echine Poines. “ho ideal distance, of cours., i3:9m tiMividual matter for each player, de= pending upg: hor reizht, songeth of arms, ability to jump ara sfinsc of bining. in general, short players should pogition themselves at a greater distance from the net Phan tall pblayors. 3 sent OVERHAND VALLEY. b e Lead 2. SET-UP TO S#LI Formations: As for overhgnd voliey. See d¥agrum on page l, Procedure $ : Same as fof overhane volley exceAt player steps back to recoive \ ball beloy chest, scts bell up to\herself with an undor hand motion, gynd then sends it across Wet with overhand volley. el — Coaching Points: a, ), ch and d, under Overhand Volilt;. @. Li’tie fingers togother, palms ug; ready for-the set-up, f. Pugh heels of hands upward as youbut the ball up to rc yourself. oe g. Send the ball high onougn te givo 7 roursolf ainple timc to : get ready for the byoriend volis! h. Hit ball across net at an acuto angele, thus changing ee Qirection, 44: Fiey Sail with: Flocers;:. avoid using heels of hands, \