INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS DESIRING TO MAJOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Chairman of Departments Fs. Ce Allen, room 105 Robinson Gymnasium Professors: Allen, Naismith, largiss Assistant Professors: Elbel, Hoover, Dunkel, Lapp inistent Iutraterst ee The Department of Physical Education offers a four«year curriculum for both men and women students desiring to specialize in Physical Education, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Educations Students desiring to becane teachers of physical education or coaches of athletics with a major in physical education must register and enroll in the School of Education. Majors in physical education must present an academic minor of at least 20 hours in some teaching subject. Graduates who have com~ pleted this curriculum will, on application to the State Board of Education, receive the three«year renewable teacher 's certificate without further examine ations 7 , " In addition to the general admission requirements, students seeking ad~ mission to the foureyear curriculum in physical education shall be required to present a certificate of physical fitmess as a result of the physical examin- ation at the University of Kansas Student Hospital, Each student shall be required to take an annual physical examination at the student hospital and to maintain satisfactory physical fitness. Four-Year Curriculun in Physical Education High School and General School of Education Requirements (for men and women): S years English | 2 years Physical Science or 2 years Mathematics & Jeare Soodal Seite Any items not taken in highschool must be included in general electivese ya