2e Five hours of college work courte as one year's work in high schools Enrollment Enrollment is in the Department of Physical Education in the School of Education, starting at the begiming of the Freshman Required Hours for Graduation ~ 124. 19 or nore hours of Education $0«40 hours in Physical Education Cunvilative grade points, 140 Average in major, 1.5 Prerequisites for Practice Teaching 80 hours and 90 grade points 1.5 grade point index in the major Academic minor All candidates for a minor of at least 20 hours. will be required to present an academic Siasiante Cathiine tn neve Wen forty ver cont of Wels werk wit be placed on probation for a semester. This probation will involve reporting to the dean at specified times. If no improvement is show at the close of the second semester, the student shall be withdrawn. A standing camtittee on ree instatement shell have power to act on petitions from students who have been withdrawn under this rule. The normal enroliment shall be 15 credit hours per semester. Any deviation from this standard will be made on the basis of scholastic achievement during the preceding semester, but in no case will a student be permitted to enroll for more than 18 credit hourse :