4, 1958. Director of Physical Edusation, Vareity Basketball Coachs tine your that no splints Very cordially yours, 3 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Nevember 2, 1938. Dre Fe Ge Allen, 105 Robinsen, Campuse Dear Sir: I wish to call yeur attention te one ef the benches in the lecker roome It should have three of those iren steols to hold it up and has only two. This makes it very easy for it to fall over and might injure some of the boys. Misstfover and I have agreed te fill the swimming pool on Monday November 7the, so will you please notify Mr. Wiebe? | We will start on the second half classes for the fall semester on. November 14 and 15th. Will it be convenient for you to have grades made out for your first half elementary basketbell olass by that time? Re — Ste Very truly yours, — TE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE : : ; i ae Aaa tI a_he, Ke signa / eFC (Duplicate copy on file.) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Newember, 14, 1938. Dre Fe Co Allen, 105 Rebinsen, Campus e Dear Dre Allen: The Student Hespitel has recemmended that Wm., Hall dees net take any physical activity fer the balanee ef the semester. Bill is enrelled in 16 heurs and desires te cemplete his werk next year. He is new taking 33me under me and is unable te de any ef the werke I weuld like fer yeu te make suggestiens what te de in Bill's case. Very truly yeurs, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Oct. 18,1938 Memeorandum; suggestion: A rack similiar te the fencing foil rack is needed in the tewel room to speed up and facilitate the servicesfor Tennis racketse tle have about 50 tennis rackets dewn there nowe Jim Re UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Oct. 18, 1938. Dear Dr. Allen, Mey 1 thank yeu very much fer the 18 new Fencing masks which the department purchased fer the classes. Beth the students and the department will benefit greatly since we are safeguarding the student against pessible injury and alse giving mere students a chance te learn to fence. Yeurs for a bigger and better department, No. REQUISITION FOR PRINTING (Leave blank) Date....... Oeteber 6, 1938.00. To the Business Office: Please procure for the use of the. PRySiGal Edugation Department == the job (Department, Committee or Administration Office) listed below, the number called for being the estimated requirements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 199/40. Copy is attached. Date wanted......48 QM = a Ee (Number of copies) (Designation of job) Tie Oe ese (Signature) Ordered—date: Allowed—will ship Received Cost State Printer Journalism Press DATE 7-37—10M 17-35 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 5, 1938 Dear Frofessor: - Enclosed are two copies of the schedule of classes in your department offered to Engineering Students this fall as printed in the Schedule of Classes of the School of Emgineering and Archi- tecture. Will you please correct both of these, indicating any changes, additions, or deletions which have been made in course numbers or names, sections, prerequisite courses, credit hours, scheduled time and days, and rooa numbers? Please return one eorrected copy to me at your earliest convenience, and file the other. I an making this request in order that we way have a coaplete and cerrect schedule for the fall semestcr 1938-1939 to start from when the time comes to schedule classes for next fall. Your coop- eration is earnestly requested. Yours truly, g ns OS Lb. Valin E. W. Hamlin, Chairman Schedule Comaittee Engineering School EWH/ns October 7, 1958. ia} I i nt at ta ae ibgee 33 A ia Hi if un i; Wh Aly ays Py aa iif % | : in i Department of Physical Educatione Very sincerely yours, Drestor of Physical Bducation Varsity Basketball Coache, Dre Ee Re Elbel, Dear Eds POAsAT “ tne, Sr “he: ic Yidia ona: econ on bik te pinapend table moved Gums Se ee ee ee ee to The table was much mors accessible, and was uged more 4% had been upetairgss I am wondering what you would think of the idea of moving the pingpong table down to “this floor, and of course while gym glasses were beiug held the table would be placed against | gle walle ‘We could have Mire Davidson fix some keepers on the well for this purpose. Then when the table wes to be used the janitor could easily set it ups | Tt seems thet this ml southeast corner roan on the second floor is used so little. I have been up there a great muaber of timese It is now piled full of chairs. He night have & discussion of this by the faculty, 4¢ you erent too greatly opposed to the idem. You remember at Oolusiia there ia & roan next to Drs Willies office where / ee Tiveotor of Physica Tauoaiston, To the Business Office: Please procure for the use of ee: of. agent Hmaton os the job (Department, Coininittes or Administration Office) listed below, the number called for being the estimated requirements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 193........ ; Copy is attached. Date wanted........ Necember 1, 1958 Bet Se ee (Number of copies) : (Designation of job) (see ~ attached) (Drscription—Ink, stock, make-up, iar, numbering, ete.) en ae = ie enn en een a enn nae Last order. (Signature) _ Ordered—date: ~ Allowed—will ship Received State Printer — | Journalism Press DATE 7-37—10M 17-35 Requixed Equi pment Men lien majors in physical education are required to supply then selves with an especially designed wiform consisting of a pair of short length gray trousers and a gray sleeveless shirt. Rubber soled gymnasium shoes are required, although no specific style is recommendede For men engaged in practice teaching, a pair of full length gray trousers is requirede A tomis racket, tennis balls and a handball and similar individual equipment is required during the semester in which the student is engaged in these specific activities. Wonen An especially designed uniform is roquired of all women majors in physical education consisting of a shirt, shorts and sweatshirt. This mast be purchased after enrollment. Rubber soled white shoes and ankle length socks are also required. Other required wiforms are: For dancing, a long sleeved black leotards for swimming a one-piece cotton tank suit and bathing capg tap shoes, temis racket and tennis balls and similar individual equipment are required for these specific activities. | Mies Huth toover', Devartrant of Thysios) Réunion ‘Tene Mies Hoovers . watolmen, Hrs ioton, Ine roparted tht, uit tone Sadat in te eoetAor Of Sa, grist qernsiua last evminge Te have had a sign placed in & conspleucus eat Eltngs wa we aoe a oly & egbatioaliy onforee tis requlstion in the gymmriume 2 trust you will do whet you can ¢n asitxg the a. ee fn the Bulldings, Sincersly yours m eo to Mies Dumkel ‘Ties tye ? . * o | Dean Lawson Dean Swarthout Dean Crawford ia chased infasss ne aa de To Henbers of the Department of Whysténkordlyayiurs, I wish to call your attentlescterthé Paysiendtldnenttatents enrolled deposit. I om referring particularly to auditors in these classes. when they enrolled, but quite probably the auditors have not paid the foe. Bach member of the department will please point out to the stulente in his or her physical activity elasses the necessity for paying this fee. on the work of the department, particularly the upkeep of the play fields tributes iy to the upkeep then we are able to carry on the work of the department more efficiently. I shall appreciate your cooperation. No. REQUISITION FOR PRINTING (Leave blank) Date... duly By 1988.0 La To the Business Office: Please procure for the use of the.......... Departuent..of.Physical Education ae ecco eee the job (Department, Committee or Administration Office) listed below, the number called for being the estimated requirements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19049 bes Copy is attached. Date wanted............. Septenber..1, ..1958.......................-. ee le (Number of copies) (Designation of job) os ssussisiusuii. 4508 Sopy attachede Sane other out, portraying enethlete, euch. (Descripti0on—lInk, stock, make-up, binding, numbering, etc.) ee as. swimming, temis, or golf, maybe. weeds) 2 a ae a Ee ee (Signature) Ordered—date: Allowed—will ship Received Cost > State Printer Journalism Press DATE 7-37—10M 17-35 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS a AA eee, Kaatth . : Z (feck : ALL , Phage GY 3(m-F2-33-3¢. ie Cr PE. Pow chet OS ace ee aay ae South ce ARGO eK vee: The Suggested Rules for the Guidance of Students Enrolled in the Physical Réeucation Course in the School of Zducation were considered by them. By common sonsent atendments were made end accepted. In final form the rules sre: ADMISSION. In addition to the general admission reguirements students seeking admission to the four-year curriculum in Physical Education shall be required to present a certificate of physical fitness as 4 result of the shysical examination at the University of Kansas Student Hospital. Each student shall be required to take an annual physical examination at the Student Hospital and to maintain satisfactory physical fitness. ABSENCES, Etc. There is no system of permissible absences. Students having excessive absences may be withdrawn from the course by the dean, with failure. FAILURES. Students failing in more than forty percent of their work will be placed on probation for a semester. This probation will involve reporting to the dean et specified times. If no improvement is shown at the close of the second semester, the student shall be withdrawn. A standing committee on reinstatement shall have power to act on petitions from students who have been withdrawn under this rule. MAXIMUM LOAD, The normal enrollment shall be 15 credit hours per semester. Any deviation from this standard will be made on the basis of scholastic achievement curing the preceding semester, but in no case will a student be permitted to enroli for more than 18 credit hours. ELIGIPILITY FOR ATBLETIC PARTICIPATION. Eligibility for athletic participation snail be governed by rules of the Lig Six Athletic Conference, waich at present are briefly as follows: No person shall participate in any: athletic contest unless he is a bona fide student having met entrance require-— ments and doing full work in a regular or special course defined in the curriculum of his school or college, A student to be eligible shall be earrying not less than le hours. During the two semesters imnediately previous to participation the student shall have satisfactorily completed not less than 2&7 hours. fhis section shall refer to credits during two semesters and summer school immediately previous to participation. Said summer school must precede or follow the second semester. svn ue baie cat Sell gs Oia ig Meta aie cs ibaa aera eae err Felt Yep eget os tai A ines erragia oe ve Syncs 2 pe Reais ie it ie aga ete Es nasal SARE i aR RL a Bite ER SAAS: le REG a 2 Rem LA ‘ { 4 4 PROPOSED FOUR YEAR CURRICULUM IN PHYSICaL EDUCATION High School and General School of Sducation Reguirements 3 years knglish 2 years Physical Science or @ years Mathematics & years Biological Science 2 years Social Science Enrollment - In the Department of Physical Education in the School. of Education, starting at the oeginning of the Freshman year. Required Hours for Graduation - 1e4. 19 or more hours of Education 30-40 hours in Physical Education Grade Point Requirement - Cumulative grade pvints,....140 Average in Major.....e.eees 1.5 Prerequisites for Practice Teaching — 80 hours and 90 grade points. Academic Minor - All candidates for a degree will be required to present an academic minor of at least £O hours. Degree ~— Bachelor of Science in Education. Suggested Curriculum for en Freshman Year First Semester Second Semester Hhetoric.sssss bikes xesnekeas oe Rater he vs bo kc cc cucaesedcaeee Social Science Survey. ceaess es 4 Elem. Animal Biol. (Zool.)... 5 Physical Ed. (Personal Heaith) 3 Physical Ed. (First Aid)..... 2 Physical Education 31M...... os Physical Education 3eM....... @ Academic Electives....escces 5-4 Academic Electives......... 5-6 Sophomore Year English Literature......-.e.06 & History or Economics.....se.. 5 PHYSIGLOBY. 22. cceccscseens ciee 8 General Psychology.....s.ee.e. 9 Principles of Speech.......... & Hist. aid Prin. of P. B. sees 5 Physical Ed. (Football)....... 3 Physical Education 34if....... 2 Physical Education 33M........ 2 Academic Minor......s.eese- K-90 Academic MinOi sss ssa cevcc e004 Junior Year Educational Psychology........ 3 Education (Content and Method Introduction to School Admin.. 2 of Physical ee 2 Survey of American Hduc...2 Human Anatomy.....veesees os Educational Sociology.....d >. 4 Truths as. pce eeeeussseessuank & Intro. to Educ, Meas. ap Community eerehhitlcc cesses 3 Physical Ed. (Basket Ball).... 2 Academic Minor or Electives.3-4 Academic Minor........-- seeeetG Senior Year Education (Practice Teaching). & Education (Practice Teaching) 2 Kinesiology. sssccccccorecscess z Regediel & Physical EMGGscscs & Treatment Athletic Injuries... @ Organization and admin. P. E. 3 Education (School Hygiene).... 2 Elect Wotls cccccue:ceseentse er ee ee ene | aes, Satin a enn hte el tale Proposed Four Year Curriculum in Physical Education for Women Freshman First Semester ys ee ceiveav @ Social Science Survey nwesbeas 4 Physical Education 31W....... . & Academic Flectives.......... 5-6 Year Second Semester etOrED., 6 obs cinccceacs cs Elem. anime) Biol. (Zool. Jove, 5 Phys. Educ. (First Aid).. 2 Physical Education S5eW.. .- Academic Blectives.......... 4-5 Sophomore Year English Literature..... suacsce 2 PRYSLOLOGY . oo 20 ae becdsbaacese @ Prin. Of SeeeGtis cisisssccccces © Physical Education 335¥...... sf Academic Minor......ccecosee. 445 Junior Educational Psychology....... a Intro. to School Agmib.scicccs 2 Content & Meth. of P. EB. (Educ) 3 Theory of Athletics........... @ Physical Education 67........ cs Survey of American Educ...... cs BIOSCI VSS. ccccwea: Se reeaee oe eand Senior Education (Practice Teaching). 2. EIDOSLGLOES cid sas ceceescresds © Education (School Hygiene).... Elective Education..... sess. BASCCL IOS cc cess pecies vas «. B- monn nw History or Economics.......... 5 General Psychology..........+.. 9 Hist. & Prin. of Phys. Educ... 3 Physical Education 54W........ 2 Academic Minor....csceceesee LH Year Ed. Sociology or kd. Meas..... = Human sAnatomy..... ecepeavssees: © Methods of Teaching Swimming.. 1 Theory of athletics. ....-ssss0 & Phys. Exam. and Presc......... 3 Physical Education 68........ — ACCA ORs «oon skeendecurse . 2-3 Year Education (Practice Teaching). 2 Org. & Adm. of Phys. Educ..... 3 Porsomal Hygioetia. ...0cssseeces 2 BAOCCIVCR s cw cecccsaseece: ‘ Reaguired Physical Education Courses (Mien and Women) 36. History and Prin. of Phys. Educ.... 3 Bla BATH Bibs cd cca cc ccsdeccessaes ceases gk BG. BEMOBAOLOCH 6 occ cdcsceccbuccvscccecs Qe 81. Administration of Phys. HEduc....... 5 (Men only) 30. Personal Health......... . 3 65. Basket Ball...ssscsoncenen & 31M : 78, Track on@ Piclds.ccvcasens b 32M | 90. Remedial and Phys. Exam... € 33 »Practical or Skill Courses8 9, Treatment of Ath, Injuries 2 54M 57. Principles of Community ee ee eaceee Recreation..... 3 (Women only) 31W Zew 33W BAW Btls COmreesin ss vacces 67. 68. » 62. Theory of Athletics 1..... @ 63. Theory of Athletics IT.... @ 84. Physical Exam. & Prescription of Exercise 3 64. Personal Hygiene.......... e a siti iain ans ies it Elective Physical Education Courses ‘ilen and Women 73. Problems in Intramural Sports.......¢ 74, ests and Measurements in Phys.Hd...2 {Men only) Be, bbveee Footoal ls. cece ctes cacstcees 2 86. Advanced Track and Field....... Seseee 87. Advanced Swiinmming......... enxn seeeuen 88, Advanced — wawhaweee es + oa 89. Baseball. (snd esaeea ieee eeacien 2 (Women only) 7. Community Kecreation........ scaneenee 55. Theory of the Dance..... eee 5 Thi GETLEAOTINE Aesiccceceves heh eeeas aucun Te, GETRGIATINE Jha ee sccsdes cenaecees souk Required Courses (Men and Women) Biological Science: Physlology Low.ccccsccscccesasnescsases D Elementary aninal — I heat Piave © Human Anatomy 50. ecebbs bes eek Ces sae o English: PEOUEPLS Lowe che cc cease siasceicedeues “a2 Bnetorat ihe sess. dnadevbaes ieeewns ieea © English Literature. .....ccseseeeseccen 7 Education: Educational Psychology....ssessess cnexe © Intre. to School administration........ € Survey American Education; Educ. Sociology or Educ. Meas.......... & Content and Method of Physical Educ.... 3 Practice Teaching Physical Education... 4 School Hygictic..swcccsess KebR Ode beeeee e Other Departments: Social Science Survey..... geneees icseca 6 Principles of Speech........... iesheus