November 27, 1944. Lt. Commander A. H. Buhl, Nevel Training School, University of Kansas. Dear Commander Buhl: T want to report to you that we have our basketball backstops up in a very favorable looation. We used the concrete tennis gourts, by using a large upright which serves as a post for the attachment for the tennis net, and which also supports the back- stop. Ve put them across the center line and this in no way interferes with tennis, and yet it provides untold opportunities | for basketball pley in all seasons of the year. I want you to know that I appreciate yolir thoughtfulness, as well as the gift. Some time when you are down near the stadium I wish you would glance at them and see to what good use they are being put. They are juet south of the west end of the stadium. Very sincerely yours, . Direstor of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.