UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 28, 2 938~¢ Dre Fe Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansase Dear Dre Allen: Although a fairly definite understending exists concerning my eventual resignation from this department, it oecurred to me that a formal letter apprising you of my plans would be in ordere As I have told you, I plan to complete the first semester's teaching, thus finishing half of my year's assignment. However, Dre MacCurdy and I expect to be married during the Christmas holidays since ‘that is the only time which gives him enough vacation to make the trip out here so we can be married at my family's home in Topekte That, of course, means that I will stay on here after the holidays until all my work for this semester is donee I trust I shall not be unwelcome during that month as a “Mrse" instead of a "Miss" - and I would appreciate your letting me know if such arrangement is administratively acceptable. I should like you to know, too, what a pleasure and inspiration it has been to work under the guidance you have given the Department of Physical Education since its reorgenizatione There are idealists who have visions, but can't realize them; and there are practical robots who can work them- selves to the bone, but lack the imagination to make their pro- ductivity meaningful achievement; but it is the rare soul who can have his visions and algo translate them into reality. Your leadership and record attestt to your being so endowed. I leave the department very sure that it is “going places", and I extend my heartfelt wishes for your success and happiness in working with an intelligent end cooperative facultye Very sincerely, E;