PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FOR INTERMEDIATE GRADES Prepared by the Department of Physical Education for — University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase 1939 FOREWORD The bulletin "Physical Education Activities for Intermediate Grades" provides material for use by the major students of Physical Education at the University of Kansas. - The material herein contained is for use in grades four, five, six and seven of the elementary school. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN JUNG By 2 Te i i To oe He bo 4 uit iy alin ii i " i «ak : ! wd mt ‘aa i 4 RO er isn « | o se heey | : Sina POASAT Alberta: The appointment blank for Mr. Hurt gave neither his academic training and experience nor his proposed teaching schedule. Will you kindly send these data at an early date ? Sincerely, VICTOR HURT <= oe Ae Be, College of Enporia Teaching duties in Depte of Pe. Ee: 35. Football, 10:30 TT 82. Adve Football, 10:30 MW 4la. Elem. Golf, 11:30 MNF 4lo. Adve Golf, 11:30 TTF Sass ak Mameaal aoiabion, University of Kansase Dear Jims I en very happy to have your letter of the 20th instant end I can readily ses the slight confusion that might arise in your mitts . : Wo had provicusly diedussed the difficulty of « eradu- ate of this wmiversity receiving compensation comparable to his other comtenporaries witil he has gone away Dron here, taught other places, and returned. I believe this is traditional everywhere. I mae See 36 es ey fer ee ee ee ee ee x hate Os “eiaereted pen Ste | Many times the heads of departments in mmy large univ ersities are not the high=salaried mene They are yomg men who have @, lot of executive abilitye The teachers with reputations are the biguanienied etatt matieree ee ane ek Oe ee ee ee ee er In your case, my i ‘ thet you being well acquainted with the lecal situation here, and in addition, being intelligent, cooperative end aggressive, could do a fine jobe I nover have allowed rank alone to be my deteminer of a mans So I can sec no great difficulty confronting me in my viewpoint, which I dis- cussed with you, I will contime to consult youvhen I havet hings that I desire to be accomplished in this department. You my always me ee EF ny Wehr Senne : Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~ LAWRENCE seventies OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION May 20, 19396 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansase Dear Dre Allen: A short time ago, during one of our discussions concerning your tentative plans for the next school year, you suggested that you would like to place me next in line of authority to Dr. Elbele I thought the idea was splendid. You reiterated this in another discussion which we had at ® later date. However, while I am more than happy toassume these responsibilities, I feel that the situation may be some-= what difficult. You will readily see my point when I explain to you that I shall be, it appears, the lowest salaried member of the staff. I venture to mention this situation to you because of your frankness and honesty in discussing matters with me and the confidence you have placed in me. The salary being considered for the new man, as I implied, will in actuality place me in lesser authority than the individual selected to fill this vacancy, in spite of the academic equalization of the individuals concerned and my thorough knowledge of the actual working situation. I greatly appreciate the opportunities which you have given me thus far, and trust that our discussions in the future may continue with the frankness of those in the past. I shall be very happy to talk this situation over with youe Sincerely yours, ( cdl ine aiid eh i copy April 25, 19389. Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Dear Dre Adlen: : The Women's Physical Education Department would like very much to have the opportunity of placing practice or cadet teachers in the public schoolse At the present time our majors have no practice teaching with the elementary school childrens; all of the work is done at Oread High Schoole We feel that the major student needs to have somd practice teaching with the elementary school children because a number of them are going out into such positionse Also, the fact that our senior majors are growing in number makes it difficult to give each individual senior as much real teaching exper-= ience as we feel she should haves I would suggest the possibility of two hours practice teaching in the public schools and two hours in Oreade Sincerely, (Signed) Ruth Hoover UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION April 25, 1939 Dr. F, ©. Allen University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: The Women's Physical Education Department would like very much to have the opportunity of placing practice or cadet teachers in the public schools. At the present time our majors have no practice teaching with the element- ary school children; all of the work is done at Oread High School, We feel that the major student needs to have some practice teaching with the elementary school children be- cause a number of them are going out into such positions. Also, the fact that our senior majors are growing in number makes it difficult to give each individual senior as much real teaching experience as we feel she should have. I would suggest the possibility of two hours practice teaching in the public schools and two hours in Oread, When Miss Rich checked over Mary Learnard's educat- ion credits for graduation, she found Miss Learnard needed one more hour for graduating. She suggested that Miss Learnard be permitted to do an extra hour of practice teaching. We would like to have her do that hour in the elementary schools this spring if it is possible. Miss Kennedy of Pickney and Miss Simmons of Cordley would be very glad to have such cadet teachers in their schools, Sincerely, b2d Shleoen.. Ruth Hoover RH: EEH Sincerely yours, I shall be glad to hear from yous a ae 425 8 Pe april 21, 1939 Miss Ruth Hoover, Department of Physical Rinaetlot, University of Kansate Rear Miss Hoover s i have had a number of complaints from parents who feel that the wonen physical education majors are being over~ worked when they compete in the intramurals in addition to their heavy physical education progran schedules This Sshineninettt eit ie sek eet a foreibly of Se ee Sumrted woe: Tama ine Gee eivee frie Sie eget ized houses are complaining quite enphatically. - Would it not be possible to release the juniors and seniors fron their intramural sehedule? a. uae advanced that the girls are not forced inte this, but mutter of fact the organized houses do foree then into inne Bh, ont I believe that since we have optional physical education in the University that it is wrong to have an arrangement that in fact dees force then into the intramurels. This may apply also to the men*s intremuralse T nos Ceidsdhang & tenant OF teAR- sink ond Semmes ; new arrengenent in intremural eaapetition for both men and wong \ “I would be glad to have your opinions Very cordially yours, f | 3 aie FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach April 21, 195396 Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH —C- Varsity Basketball Coache 7. Ri ? i. | if = ni | i ae $ : H ms * bu BE Apri2 27% 19896 Anerigen Sosiety fur the Control of Cancer, 1250 Sixth Dear Sirss you kindly send a sopy of the following pamphlet ‘us ees eentiiach af Heonadak wacteleaa, TeaueeeG ot Came, lawrence, Kansas? Me Aen CS AS oe Se ee cost of samses Noe 24 Answers to the Public's Questions on Caner. ¢ Rirestor of Physical Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coache. April 17, 1959° 50 West SOth Street, - New York City, MaYo. Dear Sirss _ . W322 you Idndly send the following to the Department of Physical Tdueation, Thiversity of Kansas, Lawrence, Zansas? We are enclosing 127 in postage to cover the cost of samde 1 copy of each of the following pamphietes Heart Disease eni School Life A Heart. Disease and Its Preverrtion 1 set of Detail Cardiac Record Charts (7¢) irector of Physical Biusstion, Varsity Basketball Coache April 17, 19396 W421 you lkinily send the following panphlets, which | aye prised a6 Sf euh, to the Tiign.teualt af Piguien’s RoamAbae, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. We are enclosing 20f in stamps to cover the cost of thee Vecational Probleas of the Hard of Hearing, by Ada Morgan Hill eee Ae Ee Se nee ot Danis ty aes Me ee The Prevertion and Treatment of Deafness | Swimming and the ars inthe: ic ede ee, Varsity Basketball Coaches g g lh fs Ht 1h H | aE a a ; i ; i by dln is P i; a a i i | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS a” LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION March 20, 19396 Dre Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Educatione Dear Doc: Having just completed the class in Administration, in which the class spent the period quizzing Chet Friedland re- garding his experiences back in New York, I could not help but notice the great enthusiasm the students had and the great desire for information on physical education throughout the country. Having been required to take two trips while at Spring- field, much on the basis of our Geology trips and much on the idea of the trips taken by the Mngineering students here, I asked the class what they thought of the idea of requiring in the future senior majors in physical education to take a trip, say including Ste Louis, probably Springfield, Ill, Bloanington, Ille, Urbana, and ending with a couple of days in Chicago, with the idea of study- ing the recreation and physical education programs in those cities. I was surprised to find that three or four of them were very en= , thusiastic about doing it late this spring, and I told them that of course I was merely making the suggestion and that sort of a trip would require the consent of the class and certainly would demand a great deal of preparation by someone in the departuent since it would involve bus transportation probably, and chaperons, and well worked out itinerary previous to the trip. I personally doubt that anything could be done in that respect this spring, but I do think that on accowmt of the fact that Wepre ye See out - and I feel we are turning out better mijors,, this’ dded ~ feature would not only promote better professional attitude among the students but certainly would give them a very fine laboratory experience. Incidentally, they might visit Northwestern University also while in Chicagoe This, of course, is just an idea, but in talking it over with Mrs. Hulteen we thought you no doubt would have time to read the letter and think it over on your way back from the Coaste I sincerely hope you will be able to see some of our old friends while on the Coast, and if you should happen to get down Los Angeles way, aside from John be sure to say hello to Art Esslinger who completed his work at Iowa with me last sumer. The class in Administration joins with me in sending best wishese — Ee Re Elbel oS Assistant Professor, Physical Educatione 2 Your telegram and letter have been received. I have called Professor Russel], about the work on the iztra- mural field and he said that water was turned on the field recently, so it my be a few days before he can begin the seedings | : The swimming L conference that ire Boyes is is scheduled for April 21-22. I do not believe it will be to write the coaches, as you suggested, since Dre Billingsley*s date is April 15. Just to refresh your memory I will list a few of these immediate dates, then when you get home I will have the whole spring calendar ready for yous | =~) very object chance can he 72, We'll be glad to weleame you hone next weeks CLASS OF SERVICE This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- am unless its de- erred character is in- dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- ceding the address. R. B. wesrre/ Shi g “The filing time shown in the date line on WESTERN ~ UNION | NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. -- SYMBOLS DL=Day Letter NL=Night Letter LC=Deferred Cable NLT =Cable Nighe Letter > Ship Radiogram r Af £ a ae 3 and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME: at point of destination Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 r WHITCOMB ORREST ee ete THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE COLLECT NL= EX SALI. FRESCO= Ext 1 jf fy 34 A Y | CPW FA ; RADI! Min A 7 ACTORY i \ Peni tTZ Po ee