UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS a” LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION March 20, 19396 Dre Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Educatione Dear Doc: Having just completed the class in Administration, in which the class spent the period quizzing Chet Friedland re- garding his experiences back in New York, I could not help but notice the great enthusiasm the students had and the great desire for information on physical education throughout the country. Having been required to take two trips while at Spring- field, much on the basis of our Geology trips and much on the idea of the trips taken by the Mngineering students here, I asked the class what they thought of the idea of requiring in the future senior majors in physical education to take a trip, say including Ste Louis, probably Springfield, Ill, Bloanington, Ille, Urbana, and ending with a couple of days in Chicago, with the idea of study- ing the recreation and physical education programs in those cities. I was surprised to find that three or four of them were very en= , thusiastic about doing it late this spring, and I told them that of course I was merely making the suggestion and that sort of a trip would require the consent of the class and certainly would demand a great deal of preparation by someone in the departuent since it would involve bus transportation probably, and chaperons, and well worked out itinerary previous to the trip. I personally doubt that anything could be done in that respect this spring, but I do think that on accowmt of the fact that Wepre ye See out - and I feel we are turning out better mijors,, this’ dded ~ feature would not only promote better professional attitude among the students but certainly would give them a very fine laboratory experience. Incidentally, they might visit Northwestern University also while in Chicagoe This, of course, is just an idea, but in talking it over with Mrs. Hulteen we thought you no doubt would have time to read the letter and think it over on your way back from the Coaste I sincerely hope you will be able to see some of our old friends while on the Coast, and if you should happen to get down Los Angeles way, aside from John be sure to say hello to Art Esslinger who