OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION n LAWRENCE f Ss, March 20, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Head, Physical Education Department Robinson Gymnasium My dear Dr. Allen: In checking over the work done by students during the fall semester just past we are struck by an apparent discrepancy between attainment levels reached by students of physical education in their classes in physical education and in their non-physical education enrollment. We find that physical education students were enrolled in 384 hours in their major work; they did this work at an average grade point level of 1.73. These same students were enrolled in 947 hours of work in departments outside their major field and made an average grade of 0.95. Of course there are a variety of possible reasons for this discrepancy, but I would earnestly urge that the instructors in your department examine very carefully to see whether or no the department may not perhaps be slightly more lenient in its estimate of students’ work than are other divisions of the University. It would be too bad to perpetuate a gen- eral feeling on the part of the non-technical faculties that your department was not maintaining the same exacting standards of achievement that other departments seek to maintain. As I suggested, there may be other reasons why these figures turned out as we found them. I would be glad to assist you and the members of your department in publicizing such other facts if you think it wise. goad Tala / ond A. Schwegler ean 6