NYA OFFICE University of Kansas TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND STAFF MEMBERS : It is expected that the NYA program will be continued next year although we have not received official notice from Washington as yet. We are requesting that department heads and staff members submit appli~ cations for work projects for the year 1939-'40, These should be sub- mitted to this office before June 3, 1939. Attached is a model application form which may be used as a guide in filling out the application. A separate sheet is required for each project. Kindly give a specific explanatory title and a detailed de- scription of the work to be done for each project. A statement that the project is carried over from the present year will not be sufficient. Each project must be described. ‘The purpose of the second attached sheet is to suggest types of work possible under NYA. You are not limited to the grouping listed here. Thoy are given to illustrate the general varieties of work pos~ sible under NYA. All projects must be in addition to regularly main- tained routine jobs. Clerical work is permitted only as a necessary part of these projects. The work done on these projects should be of value not only to the supervisor or department, but of high educational value to the student assigned. We believe that for the most part the projects this year have been well organized and supervised. We appreciate the cooperation the supervisors have given USe Project requests for next year must be in this office before student assignments are made. Any request which is submitted after that time must necessarily wait to be filled. Copies of the enclosed form for proposed projects may be secured at the CSEP Office. Call KU 40 and the number of forms desired will be sent you at once. This office will gladly give any assistance in filling out these forms. Sincerely yours, Executive Secretary MT:cv Enclosures