ane Lis Ve - VI. Vit. VIII. IX. a4 SUGGESTED TYPES OF WRK CLERICAL Typist, filing clerk, stenographer, clerical assistant, accountant. Clerical work is permitted only as a necessary part of surveys, reSearch, and other projects. CONS TRUC TION Model Maker (includes building of models, special apparatus or equipment). DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE Chart Maker, bibliographer, manuscript maker, preparator (preparation of exhibits, museum Specimens, or records), technical assistant, translator. LIBRARY WORK Cataloguer, bibliographer, collater, scrapbook maker. Special assistants in departmental librarics or in Lawrence Public Schools; band or orchestra librarians, GROUND AND BUIIDING MAINTENANCE Gardener, laborer, Surveyor on special projects. RESEARCH AND SURVEYS Laboratory technician or preparator, research assistant, clerical ‘ assistant--on faculty research projects. ART Musician (members of music ensembles), artist (drawing for illustrative material), manuscript maker. RECREATION Supervisor of games, dramatic assistant, Scout assistant, etc. REPRODUCTION Manuscript copier, printers. LABORATORY ASSISTANCE Technician, dissector, modeler, preparator (includes preparing special Specimens or models for exhibition or class demonstration. MISCILLANEOUS Tutorial assistance Museum - Preparator, classifier, repair of specimens. Health - Nursing assistant, assistance in city or cowmty health depart- ments, food and sanitation departments, Tducation - Research assistant, assistance to underprivileged groups, and in visual instruction.