The prerequisites for these three hours shall include human anatomy and physiology and applied anatony and physiology. POUL Vis. sg ke SK ee we ee we oS Ores If credit is given for courses in fundamental skills of physical education and athletic activities, it is recommended that they may not be counted toward the pro- fessional requirement, but can be counted toward the degree:. As Team porte (for men). « . «6 » « s « « 8 Pours To include the learning of the methods of in- struction and officiating, necessary for conducting a physical education program of team games, passim; football, basketball, baseball, track, swimming. . (The minimum of 3 hours is set low because it is felt that most professional students will elect more work in this field.) Team eporte [for waren). « « « «+ ss « » S hours Hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer, volley ball, speedball, track, swimming. es ROOTORTicnAl Sports « s+ 6 4 ew we es + 6S ChOUrS To include the methods and organization techniques of sports and gomes other than those included in C-1. Also adapted sports for the handicapped. oO» Rhythmic and Gymnasium Activities. .. . 5 hours To include teaching of methods and organization techniques necessary for the conduct of a graded program of rhythms throughout the elementary and secondary levels, passim: dramatic rhythms, folk and tap dancing and creative dancing. Gymnasium activities to include teaching of the methods and organization techniques necessary for the conduct of a program of gymnastic activities, passim: free exercises, self-testing (stunts, tumbling, pyramids, apparatus, etc.) Health Instruction, including First Aid and Safety. . 6 hours The content and methods of instruction necessary for the conduct of such a health program on the elementary and secondary school levels. Hlective. ° e e e ® ° e e ° ® ° e i e e e e ® wo hours Selected from Groups A, B, or D.