: UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS o> LAWRENCE 5 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION January 9, 1940 Dr. Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Dear Doctor Allens Attached to this letter is an outline, "Some Problems and Suggestions Concerning the Prerequsites for len Practice Teachers." In this outline I have attempted to analyze the present needs of our majors, and possible changes in our curriculum which might better prepare our majors to meet these needse A swamary of the major changes or additions in our teacher- training curriculum are here listed: 1. The addition of a course in methods of teaching team and individual games and activitiese My outline indicates that at present this needvis not being filled. Specific methods of teaching cannot be included in the 30 series, or in Content and Method, — which is chiefly content. Coaching courses generally deal with technique of that particular sport, individual and team play, rather than methods. 2. The addition of Elementary School Playground iii a as a required coursée : In this course are included those lead-up games and games of low organization which should be used in elementary schools, playgrounds, junior high school and general work with younger children. The addition would round out the training of our majors and make them truly physical education majors, who could lead activities from grade school through college. 3e The inclusion of rhythms, to include at least social and folk dancing, either in the 30 series or in a skills class. (Arrangements would have to be made with Miss Byrn.) 7 |