E. B. De Groot Sr. Vk SOME PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING THE PREREQUISITES FOR MEN PRACTICE TEACHERS (Particularly in regard to skills and methods) ; | thi‘ acall, Ie The Ks Us Physical education majors are being trained (het? — From meager statistics of 1938 and 1939 K. U. physical education graduates, we should probably try to prepare our majors for jobs in the following rank order: A. Small high schools (where his duties would probably oceurr in following order of importance ) he Coaching : 2- Academic teaching 3. Physical Education teaching 4. Intramurals 5. Comminity recreation 6. Elementary supervision (or advisor) Be Medium or large high sehool 1. Coaching 2. Physical Education 3. Intramurals 4. Academic teaching CG. dunior High Schools 1. Physical Education 3. Intramrais D. Summer camps and pleyground recreation 1. Recreational games 2. Organigation of various groups 3. Games of low organization Ee Supervisory work 1. Elementary Schools 2. Public playgrounds Fe. College 2. Physical Education Does our curriculum prepare our majors for the above jobs in that order? II. es of ing ne as prerequisites to practice teaching (in, the order of importance as follow the presew awmauds -& rtm in I above), A. Skill and ability courses in major athletic games <= football, basketball, track, baseball or softball. . Skill and ability courses in minor games (particularly applicable to high school) -=- soccer, touch football, speedball, volleyball, etc. G. Skill and ability in individual activities: -= swimming, boxing, tennis, etce D. Methods courses in teaching i. Team games 2. Individual activities Ee Coaching courses which emphasize methods. Fe Skill and ability in rhythmic activities G. Knowledge of elementary playground activities--games of low organization and lead-up games to team and individual pports.