ae 7 Om ~ Cc / 550% 85. Krnestotocy. Two hours credit. First semester. A study of the mechanics of muscular movement and of the action of the muscles in varlous physical activities. Required of all majors. Prerequisite, Anatomy 50. v7 PF ikimeky Raporte 86. ApvANceD TRACK AND FIELD. One hour credit. Second semester. A continuation of course 75 with major emphasis upon various methods of coaching and training. Elective for men majors. Prerequisite, course 75. ra Hares. DeGreet. 87. ApvANceD SWIMMING. One hour credit. Second semester. A continu- ation of swimming taught in courses 31M and 33M with special emphasis upon methods of teaching and life-saving methods. Two periods each week. Vi) Allphin. 88. Apvancep Gymnastics. One hour credit. First semester. Theoreti- cal and practical aspects of advanced gymnastics including methods of teach- ing various gymnastic activities. Prerequisite, courses 31M and 32M. vr Allphin. 89. BasEBaLu. Two hours credit. Second semester. A study of the theory of baseball involving the fundamentals of individual and team play. Elective for men majors. ; Allen. 90. RemepIAL AND PHysicaL EXAMINATION. Two hours credit. Second semester. Designed to acquaint the student with the common posture defects and methods of aiding in their correction. Required of men majors. Pre- requisite or with Anatomy 50. Raporte M94a_, SUPERVISED TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. two or four hours Gredit. Supervised pra hing o practice of teac courses according to methods presented in course M94 (Educati On) e ) DeGroot, Stapletone —. nf i i 176. Tests AND MEASUREMENTS IN PuysicaL EDUCATION. Three hours “ credit. tienen Designed..primarily..for_the-teacher-whe~has-a neg Y¥ —_.for~entesting—prosram Actual practice with tests and their administration is Cc provided. The aim of the course is to give a practical approach to testing and to provide an adequate testing and grading program in the public schools. The following types of tests will be studied: strength tests, cardiac tests, posture rating scales, means of classification, sport tests, motor ability tests, knowledge tests, etc. Anthropometric measurements, test construction and scoring _methodwill also be studied. The material will be presented through outside readings, lectures and laboratory work. : Oe A Wk Elbel Ra ort )’ ve the . P . 200- THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ATHLETIC hours credite fall setonter pidsieien Mier ivtak cee conditioning, nutrition, care and emergency treatment employed in the training of athletes. Prerequisites, 10 shar of physical education, and one five-hour course in omy or physiologye e Allene 201e ADVANCED BASKETBALL. Three hours credite First semester and summer Sessione An intensive course present~ ing the psychological and physiological principles of a strategy and tactics that are effective in s ball» Lectures, readings, problems, and demonstrations. Prerequisite, 15 hours of physical educatione Allene eat 2026 ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSICAL Epucation. Three hours credit. Second semester. Embodies a study in the administration of the school and colleg physical education; the principles and administration of intramural -eme Se athletics ; Ne-=ty-PeCs—Aane—Lhe administration—oefephysicalefiiciene LEStS e administration of health examinations and the care and value of health examination records; the purchase and care of physical education and athletic equipment; common methods of financing the athletic program; the con- struction of the gymnasium, swimming pool and the athletic field. Required of all majors. Prerequisite, de of physical education. Elbel. 2 \\