74, Trusts AnD MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL Epucation. Two hours credit. First semester. This course involves the use of elementary techniques of measurements as applied to tests in physical education. A study of the more wees —_— common types of tests in the field. Prerequisite, course 36. Lappe Ra vO R \ : 75. TRacK AND Fretp. Two hours credit. Second semester. Designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of track and field athletics. Re- quired of men majors. Hargiss. 80. TREATMENT or ATHLETIC INJURIES. Three hours credit. Second semester. Theory in treatment of more common athletic injuries. This includes all work in taping, bandaging, massage, operation and application of heat lamps, violet rays, diathermy, vibrators, and the method of making and using differ- ent protectors. The peed for medical advice in case of injuries is recom- mended throughout the course. Required of men majors, elective for women majors. Prerequisite, course 50. Allen. Replaced by Noe 200¢ Theory and Practice of Athletic Training by action of School of Education Faculty, Nove, '38. [ i ; fs i i [ f 82. Apvancep Foorsaty. Two hours credit. First semester. A continua- tion of course 35. Major emphasis is placed upon strategy of team play, coaching methods, ete. Electives for men majors. Prerequisite, course 35. Conger. ; i [ { i 83. THroRY or TEACHING SWIMMING. A consideration of the pri life saving and pool sanitat Two hours credit.. First semester. nciples and methods of teaching swimming. diving, ion Hoover. 84. PuysicaL ExAMINATION AND PRESCRIPTION oF EXeErctsn. Three hours credit. Second semester. Theory and practice of examining the body for faulty postural conditions, scoliosis, weak feet, and other physical defects. ments are included. Required of all majors. Prerequisite or with Anatomy 50. Dunkel. 85. Kinestouocy. Two hours credit. Firs mechanics of muscular movement and of the a t semester. A study of the physical activities. Required of al] majors. ction of the muscles in various Prerequisite, Anatomy 50, Lapp. {Change to Second Semester. ) 86. ApvANceD TrAcK AND Frevp. One hour credit. Second semester. A continuation of course 75 with major emphasis upon various methods of coaching and training. Elective for men majors. Prerequisite, course 75. Hargiss. Changed to 2 hours credit by Education faculty, Jue, 1938. 87. ADVANCED SWIMMING. One hour credit. Second semester. ation of swimming taught in courses 31M and methods of teaching and life : A continu- 33M with special emphasis upon week. Allphin. -saving methods. Two periods each 88. ApvANcED GymNasTics. One hour credit. First semester. Theoreti- cal and practical aspects of advanced gymnastics including methods of teach- ing various gymnastic activities. Prerequisite, courses 31M and 32M. Allphin. 89. Basrpatt. Two hours credit. Second semester. A study of the theory of baseball involving the fundamentals of individual and team play. Elective Ce! ES OOS for men majors. 90. RemepiaL AND PHysican EXAMINATION. semester. Designed to acquaint the student with and methods of aiding in their correction. Req requisite or with Anatomy 50. Two hours credit. Second the common posture defects uired of men ee Pre- 57. PRINcrPLes OF Community Recreation. There hours credit. Second semester. This course is planned for students interested in recreational lead- ership, in playgrounds, community and recreational organizations and activi- ties of clubs, such as Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and in the organization, management and equipment of conducting social activities, games, play, ete., with adult groups in community recreation centers. Re- quired of all men majors, elective for women. Elbel. Approved by School of Education Faculty and Graduate Sehool, Nove & Dee, 138 (Takes the place of Noe 80.-Treatment of Athletic Injuries; approved by School of Education and Graduate School, Nove and Dece, 38.) 91. ApvaNcep BasKeTBaLL. Two hours credit, Second semester. The man- for-man style of offense and defense and the zone offense and defense are thoroughly discussed with full explanations when each style to be used is indicated. Tactics and strategy of basketball are especially emphasized. The psychology of handling a team, together with advanced training and condition- ing work, are stressed. Elective for men majors. Allen. First semester and summer sessione 81. ADMINISTRATION oF PHystcaL EDUCATION. Three hours credit. Second semester. Embodies a study in the administration of the school and college physical education; the principles and administration of intramural and mass athletics; the types and the administration of physical efficiency tests; the administration of health examinations and the care and value of health examination records; the purchase and care of physical education and athletic equipment; common methods of financing the athletic program; the con- struction of the gymnasium, swimming pool and the athletic field. Required of all majors. Prerequisite, 20 hours of physical education. Elbel. 19 176. Tests AND MEASUREMENTS IN PuysicaL Epucation. Three’ hours credit. Summer session. Designed primarily for the teacher who has a need for a testing program. Actual practice with tests and their administration is provided. The aim of the course is to give a practical approach to testing and to provide an adequate testing and grading program in the public schools. The following types of tests will be studied: strength tests, cardiac tests, posture rating scales, means of classification, sport tests, motor ability tests, knowledge tests, ete. Anthropometric measurements, test construction and scoring method will also be studied. The material will be presented through o e readings, lectures and laboratory work. app. Erbe Rl + bat # First offered in Summer Session of 1938, by Dre Lapp. CoNnTENT AND MetHops or Puysy | caL Epucation. Three hours credit. Re- quired of all majors. See Education M94. (To be taken in Fall Semester of Senior year = men and women.) 512. SEMINAR IN PHYSICAL EDUCATIONe Three hours credit. Either semester. An intensive study of the various phases of physical edueation. Full pre- paration and presentation of various subjects will be requirede Elbel. NOTE; This course as deseribed above was approved by the Graduate Sehool for the Fall Semester, only (1938). See letter from Dean E. Be Stouffer of Oct. 5, 1939. 512. SEMINAR IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Three hours credite An intensive study of the various aspects of physical education. The selection of topics will be flexible and will provide for the study of problems of administration, equipment, curriculum, and teaching procedures in physical — educations Elbel. Approved by the School of Education and the Graduate School, Dece, '38. Also approved by the School of Education as a satisfactory component of the physical education minor for the combined degree in Education and Physical Education.