GLENDALE ews~-riess Glendale Is the Third Largest City in Los Angeles County Glendale, California, Friday, October 31, 194f Teeh Tops Fox Quint A classy crew of Aero Tech cagerg pulled af 47-39 upset out of the bag to spill 20th Century- Fox’s A. A. U. national cham- pions in an_ exhibition bas- ketball game at Glendale High last night. Center Baker set the scoring pace for the Airmen, rippling the net for 15 digits. Pivotman Lubin led the Fox five with 10 markers, Deadlock Count The Fox quint moved inte an early lead, but the Tech team came back to tie up the count, 19-19, at the intermission. Summary: Aero Tech Twentieth.,Century ( 2) Burton ¥ ( 7) O'Gara ( 6) Marconda FP ( 6) Sears (15) Baker o (10) Lubin ( 2) Wilkins G (7) McGrath ( 9) Brown G ( 6) Knowles Score by halves: Aero Tech. ................ sesrstasverscpeceese 10 28-—-47 DOCH COG, accaisceneenscseessorsegsonnes 19 20—39 Scoring subs; Aero Tech—Dodge (3), Beerkle (10) ‘Twentieth Century-Fox —Law (2), Freeley (1). GEES RETESET oop ee NEUTER