UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Office of the Dean October 5, 1938 Professor Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical HKiucation University of Kansas My dear Professor Allen: I am writing to inform you that the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School has approved your request for a course called Seminar in Physical Education to be given for three hours credit. Aporoval of this course has been given for the present semester only because the Committee felt that this and other possible graduate courses in Physical Education should have careful consideration by the Department and by the Administrative Committee before the second section of the catalogue is sent to the printer. I am assuming that a departmental recommendation on the matter of graduate work in Physical Education will be sent to the Administrative Committee at an early date. In your communication concerning a seminar no number was inserted for the course. Unless you see some objection, I am giving the course the number 3le. Very sincerely yours, Be B. Stouffer, ie EBS 3 EC