April 15, 1958. Dean Paul Bs Lawson, ' College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kancase Deas Geen Leweons In comection with our proposel to crop the Health Instruction in freshman physical activity, we wish to offer the following suggestion for the three«hour activity Glasses for freshmen and sophomores: The student would select any activity whieh he or she desired for two days a wack, meeting those classes on Monday end Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursdays The third hour would meet on friday and be the sane for cach group, She general outline of the work for the Friday classes might be as follows le Health conferences (discussing the medical @xcauniinerbd.on ) ee 2e Posture picture Se Discussion and exercises on relaxation +e Discussion end exercises for correct posture Se Miscussion and exercises for good feet oe Ze laet 8s Constipation Se Dysmenorrhea 10, Fereonal cleanliness and percum! cham ils Sex hygiene « marriage | ize Mental hygiene 15. Discussion of questions turned in by students. A progression would be worked out for a twowyoar series, meeting once a weelke I should be glad to have your reaction to this proposals Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educatione