ayer DEPARTMENT GF PHYS MAL BDUCATION UNIVERSIZY OF KANSAS ( Generel Suggestions Thet sterting with the fell semester 1955 that physical eduestion Gleases be put on on optional besis, offering credit end grede points on the seme besis as other subjects in the college. Thet sterting et thet time ©11 students be required to present o totel of 124 semester hours for greduation, four of which may be physigel educetione Thet during the fresimen yeer the student elect~ ing phyeieel edueetion be required to enroll twice each week in # physicel eduestion olees of his cholee and an additionsl hour of ‘Heelth education, for which upon proper completion of work the student receive one credit hour esch semester. Thet during the Sophomore yeer the student @.eoting physicel educetion shell be required to attend seid class three times eseh week. ne credit hour will be given eech semester for proper completion of this work. | Thet the courses in Physical Edugetion be mown ss Physicel Education 1, &, 5, ete rether then "Exercise". Thet Hygiene be imown es Health Instruotion rather then : “Hygiene. Thet Gorrestive Phyeice) Education be termed "Individual = Gymnastics”. : | ih Ine true ti on: : Thet the present Hygiene requirement be increased to two semesters of Health Instruction since it is precticaily impossible for instructors to cover the subject which nowembodies such a great field. Also, it is suggested thet the work of the first semester be much of the seme nature ss thet teught at the present tine but that eet ‘tn vhtoh the dani would seek the coopers tion of numerous wont. % mente in the University, ieee, Home menmutes of diet, eto. Aims and Objectives in Payson uduee tion It is suggested: \ le Thet Phyeien) Bdueation prostes " the University of ‘Kenses be go gondusted es to; Ae Meke-e positive contribution, te the heelth of the individuel, Be = S eens eateenaies ok Giversion from ¢less De By the S iremehue of plessureb physicel eotivities whieh develop motor oon trol big coordination and create interest in in while rnecereative corer cyet Ge a yo in the correction of a remedial phys- 1 defects as may be detrénental. to heelth. Be Aid in the developuent of wuolesone stenderds of sm@ini gondust through: Se The prenetsen of antues ennanti ies which will interest the individual in the wholesome occupation of leisure times dl | be The denending Py end instruction in eotivities er nae 1 skill and ting an oppor} ty for elouont af of omeet tion recognised as ee don ibut in deve lope ait of desirable cherac ter | Ge The development within the inatviaup: of thet sesthe tic or cultural sense defined as payeigad poise by: EEE erates me eppearence and qane of nee movements . = foot General Curriculum «« oieenciiuins It 18 eleo suggested thet « definite instruction eurrieulun be followed in eech Physiesl Bducetion clase end that the student be greded not only on attendance but upon his ability to execute definite skills required of the sctivity (using as far es possible stenderd testa), eleo, thet o written exeminetion be used in eech clase to eid in determining the grede for the student. RESTH IGT IONS | Thet the department of Physical sducetion reserve the right to restrict the seleetion of aetivities in accordance with the find- ings of the student health department resulting from the physical examination of the student. The department suggests thet ell students enrolied in Phye~ feal Education classes: be required, 88 in the past, to pey a fee of ee oath smnen ter of the Freshmen year end 91.50 eech semester of CQUSES GFYERED The Department, cleo, suggests thet each course listed bee low be « half semester in length. The student enrolling for en oute _ door aetivity in the fell semester which would emtime for the first helf genester, and st thet time he would be required to re-enroll within the department for en indoor activity for the reusinder of the senester. During the spring semester the seme practice would be followed exeept thet the indoor sctivity be choasn firste ‘the overage of the grades for the two half gemesters!’ work would determine the sexester grede-« one hour eredit for the semester. This method hes been followed by the Women's Departnent for some time and hea been considered satis« factory. It is else suggested in this repepect thet in swimming clesses upon the advice of the instructor, the student be Sllowed to ¢ontinue beginning end internediate ewimwning for the entire senester. Depte Physe Be age ay’ a iM; Beginning Basket Bell. This course is designed for teaching the fundenentel skills in beaket bell itneluding the verious methods of psssing, Gammon shots, pivot and individual defen- sive. Pell and spring. Two perlods per woek. — On Physige) Bi. 2M: Advenced Basket Bell. Deels primerily with the verious phases of teem pley; various defenses end offensive types of pley; various defenses and offensive types of pley. A thorough knowledge of besket bell ruies is required. Frerequisite course 1 er — in fall or springs Cx ice. _S M Beginning Boxing. Mmbodies instruction in the | fundementel ateance, defense, feinting, footwork. Work on streight left hend punehes and defense. Left hook end defense. Left upper cut end offemse. FPeli--spring. GETTo | Physionl Bd. 4: Advenced Boxing. Gontinuation of practioe of funde- mentel prineiples with the addition of work in the combined punches end defense for each, methods of clinchinge Aliso includes « thorough study of boxing rules. Prerequisite course, 5M or equivalent. Springs | +GETTO Physiorl i.e Silt Generel Physical Bd. Course designed primeriay for the student who wishes to improve his physicel skills end general physieel condition, but does not heve « choice as to sctivity. This course will include tumbling, apparatus exercise, hendbell, basket balle ‘The time allotted to each eetivity will depend upon the instructor. Two periods each week Mall end Spring. Physigel Bd. 6M: Hendball (fourewell court) Development of skills ineluding the service, right and left bend shots, methods of recovery from he end thorough study @8 of rules. Fell & Spring ELSEL yalonl Ede 7M: Hendball (one-well court) Study end preetice of fundementale of one-well court geme ee service, right end left, eross~court shote, also, e thorough study of the rule Ge Pail end spring. Pays 10 Playground bell. This course offers an opportunity for students to receive instrugtion in this geme which embodies many of the fundementals, strategy, end technique employed in baseba il. - ‘Eribodies e study of the rules as wil es instructions in playing yerious unde onae Springs LINDS &Y Physiesi Bd. 9M: Beginning Swimcings A preetical course designed to tench the student to properly use the beale swinming strokes primarily for sefety purposes. It also, embodies instructions in elementary diving end inoludes » list of specific weter stunts came to develop the students skill in the weter. ALLPHIN Phygionl Ede 10m: Intermédinte Swimmings A combination of course on with nnaitie enguects upon the development of the orewl, side, beok, end breast strokes. This course also includes the fundementel Gives. Prerequisite course, 9M or equivelent. Fell & Spring ALLPHIN Paysien) Hae lll: Advenced Svimminge Combinetion of course LOM, specitte tno toun tion in diving, Red Cross Life Saving Test, recing turns, and starts, as vell es other phases of competitive eaten | —e course, 9M or equivalent. Fell & Spring ALLPHIN Phys ice) Bd. 12M: Beginning Tennis. For the purpose of giving in- ounetien pit the fundementel sidlis of tennia. Mmuphasis on proper execution of verious strokes and serves Pall & Spring Physiee] Bd. 15m; Advanged Tennise A Gomtinuation of course 12H in which © more thorough mastery of fundemental skills is required slong with « definite knowledge of correct methods of pley in both singles end boubles. Also, ® thorough study of tennis rules is re- quired. Prerequisite course, 12¢ or equivalent. Phys ig te 14%; Tough footbelle A course Which ineiudes instruction in dropekicking, plege-kicking, punting, passing, pess receiving, center peag, #8 Well es © study of rules end play situations, Fell Physiol Bd. 15%; Beginning Tulabling. Gourse ineludes practice in fundementel tumbling exereises ea the front ond beck rolls, heed end hend belenges, neck, heed, and hand springs, end gertwheels, veginuing serene Yell & Spring. i | ALLPHIN : el Ed. 16%: Advanced Samategs | a Continuation of course 16M pith onan pleeed upon individuei performenees in front end beck somérgnulte sterting with spring boerd; es well es work in doubles end edvenced pyremids. Prerequisite course, 16u or equivelent. Fell & corte ALLPHIN Phys Eos L7G Volley Ball. Pregiice in service end development of ekilis tn nendh dag the bell et various positions. Thorough know a tae eae oe Te Spring & Poil BLBEL Physical Béusetion 184: Wrestling. This course includes study end ountthes of the Sunbenaetes positions; direct methods of taking an SpPonent to the mt; verious holds for pinning emé en opponent end Gefense for each. A thorough knowledge of the iieGeAcds rules is also a Pell i Sei Bde 19%: Individuel Gymmestics. A course designed to meet the needs of individual students; primarily those who heve been ‘sdvised by the Student Health Department to in only restricted physical eetivities. It is the sim of the course to sid in the Correction of remedial physics) defecta.e Peli & Spring WA ISMITH Prygies) 2 Fimo iy Siig Vereity Athletics. For men desire ing to eunpete on freemen end vareiny toons. Attendence is required in sceerdancte with the desire of the Goach of the sport, uauslly not Depts Phy8> Eds « Phyte Ede 19a Indy. :-= s "19" ae oe ae ica Gourses for Both Men end Vomen Phys. Bie 3); Beginning Golf, ‘This course is outlined for those who have ne never played. Fundemontsls of stance, body position, grip, end swing will be teught. ‘The work will be comfined primerily to prectice. Physiee] Ed. 52; Advenced Golf. This course is » continuetion of the beginning courses It is designed, hovever, to help those who heave pleyed golf. Theory end explenstion of the form used by some of the outetending players. Tournsment pley. Mmteh end Medel will furnish opportunity for ectuel pley and experience in competition. Prerequisite eourse, 31 or equivelent. Physi¢ei Hd, 33: Beginning Fencings This course embodies preetice in the fundementel positions; the lunge end simple attacks. WA ISMITH Physics) Ha. 34: Interm@diete Fencing.s A continuation of course 353 continuing preetice in fundementals end complex atiacka; the one two, double disengege, the reverse beat, simple perries and Riposte, Pree requisite gourse, 55. HA ISKMITH Phyafes 1 Ud. $5: Advenced Fencing. Continuation of courses 55 and 34 with additionel work in complex Perries end Kiposts end in special attacks. Grede determined not only by ebility to exeoute above, but demonstrate various techniques in bouts. Prerequisites, 35 and S54. WA Isk ITH Physicel 86. 56: Slementery Tap Dencings The rudiments of tep works sterting with relexetion of enkles,thmees, triples, sevens, rolis and welts clog step. Dances taught whieh will use these steps end give practice in cherecterizetion. Fell & Spring. Physioe) Bie 57; Intermediate Tap. Review of work to be mastered in @ourse Sé- Addition of double shuffle tine step end severe) brenke. Specisi atiestion devoted to developing goordina tion of entire body with foot movements. Addition of soft shoe prineiplea. Dances more difficult end done much fester then fa SG. Prerequisites, 36 or equiva- lente Fall & Spring. | yeicgnl Ka. 583 Advanced Tap. Advanced routines in fest buck, soft shoe end mits Glog deneinge Cless works as # treined group on ensemble work sa Well #8 individuel works Opportunity for creative dences on pert of student. Prerequisites, 56 and 357 or equivalent. Spring end Pell. Dept. Physs Hi, -~]0e0 ae Physiesi Bducetion courses ont nued: “% Setenniin fallen Fhysicel Bd. 2; Hockey, Elenmentery. Preetice for the development of ski il ond knowledge of the fundamental technique, strokes, fielding, teckling, dodging, ete. Hlementery strategy end tecticsa. Ffosition of the players, general rules of the geme ond teem pleys Pall Physeter] Ba. 2; Advenced Hockey. Practice of sdvenced technique end strategy. Umpiring preetice end an opportunity to teke exeminations for Netionel Umpiring Reting.e Prerequisites, 1 or equivelent. Fell Seccers This course presents the fundementel technique of uteking, tackling, fielding, heading, ete. of soccer. Stretegy end teatios. Position of the pleyers, rules of the geme end team pley. Fall nyveicn) ide Blementery Tennis. The fundementels of tennis. The fetes end bagkhand drives. The service. General court position for Singles end boubles. Seoringe General knowledge of the rules end ¢lementery teetics. Pell & Springe Pove ioe) Zducetion Ss Intermediste Tennis. Fundementels of tennis with the addition of the volley end the lob. Strategy and teetics of the gemee Detallec study of rules and tennis etiquette. Prerequisites, 4 oy equivalent. fall & Springe | Phyeiee} Ba. 6; Advenced Tennis. Advanced technique of tennis, the @verheed euesh, the chop and half volleys Advenced strategy and tactics. Prectice in offieietinge Prerequisites, & or equivalent. fall & Spring. Physioe) Eds 7: Blementery Sviming. j# this course is open to eli students who cenuot swim 60 feet. It will include the practice of the fece end beek flost. fTreeding rater, breathing, the elementary beck, seuliing, side end ecrevl strokes. ‘fhe elenentery stending dive. Deep weter emergency teste. Frli. Phys. 3a. 8: Intermediate Swimming, A practice and knowledge of the beck, side, single over-erm and crawl strokes. Practice on distence — eWizwinge Ulasentery springbeerd diving. Prerequisites, 7 or equive- lente Pall & Spring. Physion) Sd, 9: Advanced Swimwing, Speed ewimming, with the aterte end turns. The eravi, trudgeon, beek crawl and brerst strokes. Spring- bosrd diving. Prerequisites, & or equivalent. Spring. front or swan, beck, front jack knife, end the back Jack knife. Advanged fency dives. Prerequisites, 9 or equivalent. Spring. Phyeioe) Bas 1); Life Saving. Practice of the Anertoon Red Cross Life Seving Test. An opportunity to pase the AsieGelede teat. Enblem avarded for snes of teste Prerequisites, 9 or equivalent. Spring. Physicni Eduention Ls; Individuel Gymmesties. An undersatending and maida of e sc aietatien of exergises, which sre formulated by the instructor efter * atudy of the student's physiol exeminetion, for the correction of the physical defects, also, to prevent such further developementss Keconmendetion of Doctor. Fall & Springs Physige) Eds. 15; Zlementery Basket Bell. This course will ine lude the preotice of the technique for paesaing, cetching, besket shooting, foul shooting, the feint, pivot end dribble. #lementeary team pley and rules of the game. Winters : Phys igel Was 14; Advenged Basket Bell. Adveneed technique and strategy. feem offense snd defense, Zone and men to men defonse, Tesw plays. Practice in offietetings An opportunity for teking the oxemination _ for Netionel Referee Retings Prerequisites, 13, or equivalent. Whases Pall, Poaysigol 6.15: iementery Besebeil. Tho fundenentel theory of catching, wowitiee batting end baserunning. Position of exch player. Slementery Pays. ud» Depts ocak: rules end team tacties, Spring, Foyedge) Bde 16, Advanced Besebell. © Practice of advanged technique end strategy: Detetled duties of each player. Goseher. Tonm orgeniaa- tion, pleye, sigmels. Practice in officiating. Prerequisites, 15, er equivelent. Spring. Physigal Ea. 17; Elementery Interpretive Deneing. An introductidn to dencing besed on naturel techniques involving exercise and control of the bog body muscles end belence dences teught with the sim of cevelep- ing music epprestetion end emotions] expression. Kunning, re)king, leaping, Clomentary turns, torso exercises end relexotion most emphasized pheses of the techniques Fall Phygion) Ba. 18; Advenced Interpretive Dancing. A continuetion of the neturel technique given in 8% Special attention pald to erm work, turtis emi wore edvenced phases of technique. Opportunity for individual oreetive work. Some German technique ineluded. Prerequisites, 17 or equivalent. Fell Physical Ha. 19: Folk Dancing, Biewentary. Simpic folk dengos of 611 Motions; American end Engiish country dances most emphasized. The folk element es it reletes to peoples, customs end geography is teuglit. feneh polke, scottisehe, weltz end simple folk steps. Fall hysiosl Bd. 20; Intermediete Folk Dances folk end cherneter dences @elling for wanvteted were edvenoed technique then required in 19. Russten, Hungerien, Swedish, ete. The mesurke, polish step, advanced techniques necessory for notionel dances are included. Prerequisites, 19 or equivelent. Poli Bhenentery tumbling. Slementery met work, rolls, hesd stend, ¢ertwheel, ete. Pyranids, single and double stunts. Fell & Springs | Poysics? Bas £2; Advenced Tumblinge Advenced mat work, nook apring, heed spring, hend spring, round off, chest roll, sdveneed pyramids, single ond bouble stuntes Method of preventing injuries. ‘frerequisites, 21 or a Well & Springs nysign) Bas £5; Slementery Trecks A study and praetice of the athe nn tweok end field events, sprints, hurdles, javelin, jumps, ete. | An individuel record of the performance of ¢e¢h individual, General oe * of the rules for seen events Springs Physical Bde £4: Adveneed ireek. Continuation of the peotice in elenentery sms Generel knowledge of technique of the different everte, with speefeligetion of « fer chosen events. Individuel record of per= formance, Prerequisite, 25 or equivalent. Springs bys ie ie £25: Volley Ball. This course presente the technique of press veins end 8 eaeviids the the mothec of rotetion, technique of the pesser, Set up, end etteck pieyerte Advenced teem stretegy end team tectics. Detelied atucy of ruleas Practice in offieieting., Fall and Spring. Siysice) BG. 26; Hendveli. The besig principles of hendbeli, the wateateent stroke eud the service. Knowledge of angles end the rules @f the oa Pell & Springs Physigel Bdugetion 67; Meatureal Gyunesticss A gouree for the student who does aot desire to choose just one sport, but wishes to improve his indy iauel phyaieel ekili.s The clementery technique end skills ne¢essery for tumbling, apparatus, track events, beaket bell, ete. will be included. The smount of time apont on eech eetivity is dependent upon the desire of the mejority of the cless. Sephemare Courses for Women Phyee Bde le oss vey 99m 68 Course 1 except thet it meete 3 times erchwek. ae oe e 8 " e " . ¢g 2. * . »* Yeve He. Be Soccer e n s % " " ft 8 tt i st — Ee, 4% — e 8 eS * 8 * ww 2 Phys+ Bie S¥ Inter. Pennie * * 6 " fi # te " uw ut . * Ba. om ae oe oe Ee se a 9 * e w * ££ 2 . -s Phys. Ud. 8» Tater. Svimning " " *" B * . ¢ & © 28 = ne + be ts ee Phys. EielO# Diving 8" “ 10 " a. * b+ 2 © © Phys. Dd.lle iarine # # > . " ® * #8 s 8 6 Payee Bd Lew ao ‘+ + to .S + & © 2e a Paya. be ee Et sa, st + /- os . © © 2 * ef Phys. i a eT aa, * « *- 8 oe oo Phys» Ud 15% na oe ys ss 8 . 2 *® Phys « BG eLGw ee seeat » > - 6 “ao * « : + * Phys « Ba L7e ming & to 17 # a 8 " " " ® w ma 2 eee nging # 8 f 18 Sd Sd # a tt t " Phys. Bd 198 Blem. Folk Dancing " Polk tenes " " “ 89 8 38 Dept. Pays. Ede ~-16-- Physe Ede Z1w abiing Seme es course 21 except thet it meets 5 tines s weeks ee Pe Or Oe in " f v GE ® “ a ” " w " Phys» Bde a3 BLemene treck : + *) a OS : bt ew a es Phys. Bde me re Ce oe. 8 > ee 8 hee Physe Bde 25% eeney "os " — . ro * os Phys. Bd. 868 Hendbell " " * ge * Ye es Soe Phys» Hd. wero " « ‘mc # ee e " # Be ca ca B00 8 0 © o 0 @ oO PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN First Half Physical Therapy a. Elem. Swimming a. Elem. a. = Practice Teaching Gen'1 Phys. Ed. vw vw 8 # av G a. Elem. Tennis a; = a ? bi 3 — * ° Touch Football 10:30, 9:50, 10:30, 10 230, 12:20-1 230, 2:50, 2:30, 4:30, 4:30, 10:30, 10:30, 1:30, 1:30, 11:30, 11:30, Allen M.WeF. 80 n t.2. 3S Db. TT. 25 De MW.F. * 33 M.W.F, 7-%s 2.3. 27 ae MW. 8 Tete 8 MoW.F. t.7. 5 b. MW.F. 25 b. T.T. 5 b. MUWF. 25 b. 60 AG to 7.T. 15 a. MW FP. 35 a. Fall 1933 Semester Second Half Physical Therapy 10:30, M.W.F. Int. Swimming 10:30, 2.9. = 10:30, MY WF, Practice Teaching 12:20-1:30, T.T. 1:50-2:30, M.W.F. Elem. Tang. 33 30, t.T. 3:50, M.W.F. Gen? Phys. Ba. 4:30, 7.2. Gen'1 Phys. Hd. 4:30, M.W.F. Handball (Indoor) 10:50, ?.T. 10:50, M.W.F. . . 2130, T.7. . a 2:50, M WF. Prin, Mjr. Sports » (Basket Ball) 9:30, T,7, Elem. Boxing 9:30, 7.7. - = u.W.F, 9:30, aos Physical Ed. Program for Men, Fall '33 First Half 41 Elem. Golf 41 ft = 60 Prin. Mgr. Sports - (Footbal 1) 62 First Aid Si Hist. Prin. Phys. Bd. 5 a. Handball 25 4. ~ Hargiss ; Second Half 11:30, @.7, 11:30, M.W.F. Lindsey 9:30, T.7, la. Elem. Basket ball 21a. Elem. ” - Elbel Care of Water in Swimming Pool Supervision of Towel Room Intramural Athletics 10450, 7,7, 52 First Aid hey tare 51 Hist. frin, of P.Bd. 9:30, Tete 4 Volley Ball 9:30, M.wW.F. 24 . .