Phys ig te 14%; Tough footbelle A course Which ineiudes instruction in dropekicking, plege-kicking, punting, passing, pess receiving, center peag, #8 Well es © study of rules end play situations, Fell Physiol Bd. 15%; Beginning Tulabling. Gourse ineludes practice in fundementel tumbling exereises ea the front ond beck rolls, heed end hend belenges, neck, heed, and hand springs, end gertwheels, veginuing serene Yell & Spring. i | ALLPHIN : el Ed. 16%: Advanced Samategs | a Continuation of course 16M pith onan pleeed upon individuei performenees in front end beck somérgnulte sterting with spring boerd; es well es work in doubles end edvenced pyremids. Prerequisite course, 16u or equivelent. Fell & corte ALLPHIN Phys Eos L7G Volley Ball. Pregiice in service end development of ekilis tn nendh dag the bell et various positions. Thorough know a tae eae oe Te Spring & Poil BLBEL Physical Béusetion 184: Wrestling. This course includes study end ountthes of the Sunbenaetes positions; direct methods of taking an SpPonent to the mt; verious holds for pinning emé en opponent end Gefense for each. A thorough knowledge of the iieGeAcds rules is also a Pell i Sei Bde 19%: Individuel Gymmestics. A course designed to meet the needs of individual students; primarily those who heve been ‘sdvised by the Student Health Department to in only restricted physical eetivities. It is the sim of the course to sid in the Correction of remedial physics) defecta.e Peli & Spring WA ISMITH Prygies) 2 Fimo iy Siig Vereity Athletics. For men desire ing to eunpete on freemen end vareiny toons. Attendence is required in sceerdancte with the desire of the Goach of the sport, uauslly not