Depte Phye« Bde <«Bee Payee de 17is Vor'eY seme es course in 17M except it mecte S tines e week. ie he oe ie * * By * ’ ££. @.: 2. 8° > Phyte Ede 19a Indy. :-= s "19" ae oe ae ica Gourses for Both Men end Vomen Phys. Bie 3); Beginning Golf, ‘This course is outlined for those who have ne never played. Fundemontsls of stance, body position, grip, end swing will be teught. ‘The work will be comfined primerily to prectice. Physiee] Ed. 52; Advenced Golf. This course is » continuetion of the beginning courses It is designed, hovever, to help those who heave pleyed golf. Theory end explenstion of the form used by some of the outetending players. Tournsment pley. Mmteh end Medel will furnish opportunity for ectuel pley and experience in competition. Prerequisite eourse, 31 or equivelent. Physi¢ei Hd, 33: Beginning Fencings This course embodies preetice in the fundementel positions; the lunge end simple attacks. WA ISMITH Physics) Ha. 34: Interm@diete Fencing.s A continuation of course 353 continuing preetice in fundementals end complex atiacka; the one two, double disengege, the reverse beat, simple perries and Riposte, Pree requisite gourse, 55. HA ISKMITH Phyafes 1 Ud. $5: Advenced Fencing. Continuation of courses 55 and 34 with additionel work in complex Perries end Kiposts end in special attacks. Grede determined not only by ebility to exeoute above, but demonstrate various techniques in bouts. Prerequisites, 35 and S54. WA Isk ITH Physicel 86. 56: Slementery Tap Dencings The rudiments of tep works sterting with relexetion of enkles,thmees, triples, sevens, rolis and welts clog step. Dances taught whieh will use these steps end give practice in cherecterizetion. Fell & Spring.