Dept. Physs Hi, -~]0e0 ae Physiesi Bducetion courses ont nued: “% Setenniin fallen Fhysicel Bd. 2; Hockey, Elenmentery. Preetice for the development of ski il ond knowledge of the fundamental technique, strokes, fielding, teckling, dodging, ete. Hlementery strategy end tecticsa. Ffosition of the players, general rules of the geme ond teem pleys Pall Physeter] Ba. 2; Advenced Hockey. Practice of sdvenced technique end strategy. Umpiring preetice end an opportunity to teke exeminations for Netionel Umpiring Reting.e Prerequisites, 1 or equivelent. Fell Seccers This course presents the fundementel technique of uteking, tackling, fielding, heading, ete. of soccer. Stretegy end teatios. Position of the pleyers, rules of the geme end team pley. Fall nyveicn) ide Blementery Tennis. The fundementels of tennis. The fetes end bagkhand drives. The service. General court position for Singles end boubles. Seoringe General knowledge of the rules end ¢lementery teetics. Pell & Springe Pove ioe) Zducetion Ss Intermediste Tennis. Fundementels of tennis with the addition of the volley end the lob. Strategy and teetics of the gemee Detallec study of rules and tennis etiquette. Prerequisites, 4 oy equivalent. fall & Springe | Phyeiee} Ba. 6; Advenced Tennis. Advanced technique of tennis, the @verheed euesh, the chop and half volleys Advenced strategy and tactics. Prectice in offieietinge Prerequisites, & or equivalent. fall & Spring. Physioe) Eds 7: Blementery Sviming. j# this course is open to eli students who cenuot swim 60 feet. It will include the practice of the fece end beek flost. fTreeding rater, breathing, the elementary beck, seuliing, side end ecrevl strokes. ‘fhe elenentery stending dive. Deep weter emergency teste. Frli.