Phys. 3a. 8: Intermediate Swimming, A practice and knowledge of the beck, side, single over-erm and crawl strokes. Practice on distence — eWizwinge Ulasentery springbeerd diving. Prerequisites, 7 or equive- lente Pall & Spring. Physion) Sd, 9: Advanced Swimwing, Speed ewimming, with the aterte end turns. The eravi, trudgeon, beek crawl and brerst strokes. Spring- bosrd diving. Prerequisites, & or equivalent. Spring. front or swan, beck, front jack knife, end the back Jack knife. Advanged fency dives. Prerequisites, 9 or equivalent. Spring. Phyeioe) Bas 1); Life Saving. Practice of the Anertoon Red Cross Life Seving Test. An opportunity to pase the AsieGelede teat. Enblem avarded for snes of teste Prerequisites, 9 or equivalent. Spring. Physicni Eduention Ls; Individuel Gymmesties. An undersatending and maida of e sc aietatien of exergises, which sre formulated by the instructor efter * atudy of the student's physiol exeminetion, for the correction of the physical defects, also, to prevent such further developementss Keconmendetion of Doctor. Fall & Springs Physige) Eds. 15; Zlementery Basket Bell. This course will ine lude the preotice of the technique for paesaing, cetching, besket shooting, foul shooting, the feint, pivot end dribble. #lementeary team pley and rules of the game. Winters : Phys igel Was 14; Advenged Basket Bell. Adveneed technique and strategy. feem offense snd defense, Zone and men to men defonse, Tesw plays. Practice in offietetings An opportunity for teking the oxemination _ for Netionel Referee Retings Prerequisites, 13, or equivalent. Whases Pall, Poaysigol 6.15: iementery Besebeil. Tho fundenentel theory of catching, wowitiee batting end baserunning. Position of exch player. Slementery