MURRAY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE MURRAY, KENTUCKY BOARD OF REGENTS _ J. W. BROOKER, CHAIRMAN, March 28, 1941 FRANKFORT CHARLES FERGUSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN, SMITHLAND c. E. CRUME, CLINTON CLAUDE WINSLOW, JAMES H. RICHMOND : MAYFIELD D PRESIDENT GEORGE HART, MURRAY ALICE KEYS, SECRETARY-TREASURER, MURRAY Athletic Director ' University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir I am wondering if it would not be possible for you to find a place for us on your next. wintér's basketball schedule. Iiay I, without any spirit of boasting, tell you that the Thoroughbreds during the past season won sixteen games and lost only three. ‘they also won the championship of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, lost to Western Kentucky in the finals in the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association, and lost to San Diego, California in the finals of the National Tournament at Kansas City. We have a very colorful team and I believe we would be an éxcellent drawing card for you if we play at your place. Hoping that you may find it possible to place us on your schedule, I am, Sincerely yours Rey eter Roy Stewart Director of Physical Education RS :GwW