should be made after the regular academic program has been determined. The minimum enrollment of 40 in each class will be necessary. Section Time Days Room Naval Air Cadets 7-8:30 MTWTFS 200 R. A 7:30 MWF i B 7:30 MTWTF as c 8:30 MWF 2 D 8:30 MTWTF 2 E 9:30 MWF 2 F 9:30 MTWTF % G 10:30 MWF ee H 10:30 MTWTF 55 I 11:30 MWF ei J 11:30 MTWTF - K 3:30 MWF “ L 3:30 MTWTF ze M 4:30 MWF 2 N 4:30 MTWTF 2 Naval Air Cadets 5-6:30 MTWTFS Women Women students enrolling for the first time at the University of Kansas are required to enroll in two semesters of physical conditioning. The pro- gram is optional for all other University women. Any woman student who has advanced standing credit from another accredited institution for two semesters of physical education will be ex- cused from taking the required two semesters of physical conditioning at this institution. Women students will enroll in Physical Education at the same places as those listed in the preceding section for men students. Elem. Swimming 1 2:30-3:20 ee Pool Inter. Swimming 1 3:30-4:20 ee 2 Elem. Equitation i 3:30 MW 204 R. Elem. Equitation 1 4:30 Tr 204 R. Inter. Equitation EL 3:30 als 204 R. Adv. Equitation 1 4:30 MW 204 R. Recreational Swimming 0 4:30 Er Pool ALL-UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION An all-university Convocation, at which the Chancellor will speak, will be held on Wednesday, May 26, at 10:00 o’clock in Fraser Theater. The schedule of classes for the morning of May 26 will be changed to allow for this Convocation, the schedule being as follows: 7:30 hour to be 7:30- 8:10 8:30 hour to be 8:20- 9:00 9:30 hour to be 9:10- 9:50 Convocation 10:00-10:40 10:30 hour to be 10:50-11:30: 11:30 hour to be 11:40-12:20