10 THe UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS The Incidental Fee for the Engineering Summer Semester is $25.00 for residents of Kansas, $75 for nonresidents. Note that a special rate for the summer work in Law is charged (see below), and that the School of Education and the School of Fine Arts do not offer a full complement of work in the Regular Summer Semester but confine their offerings largely to the Summer Ses- sion. INCIDENTAL FEE, SUMMER Session. The schedule applying to the Summer Session is as follows: Resident Nonresident Graduate School, Liberal Arts, Education, Fine Arts....$ 20.00 $ 50.00 Business 25.00 60.00 Law: 10 weeks Z 20.00 50.00 5 weeks 10.00 25.00 Medicine (at Lawrence): 4 weeks 5, 12:50 30.00 5 weeks 15.00 40.00 8 weeks .. 25.00 60.00 10 weeks 30.00 80.00 SNCS sehen ee 37.50 90.00 Medicine (at Kansas City): Noncimseal, uw to's hours. ee 40.00 100.00 Nonclinical, above 8 hours, per hour ..............-.-----.-- 5.00 12.50 Junior-Senior clinical, per hour ................-..-.----------- 10.00 25.00 INCIDENTAL FEE, SPECIAL SHORT SuMMER PrRocRAMS. For any one of these special programs the Incidental Fee is $10.00 for residents of Kansas, $25.00 for nonresidents. Part-Time Fees. See Part I of the University catalogue, “Gen- eral Information,’ pages 26-27. Heattu Fer. The rate at which the Health Fee is set is as fol- lows: 16 weeks 8 weeks 5 weeks $7.50 $3.75 $2.25 Those enrolled in four-hour programs may make use of the Uni- versity Hospital through special arrangements with the Director. LaTE REGISTRATION OR ENROLLMENT FEE. For late registration or enrollment in class or for both a charge of $2.50 is made. Appiiep Music Fer. Students enrolled in courses in the School of Fine Arts requiring individual instruction pay additional fees. Those enrolled in the Regular Summer Semester are assessed at the same rates prevailing during the fall and spring semesters (see Part I of the University catalogue, “General Information,” pages 130-131). Students enrolled in the Summer Session are assessed at the rates indicated below :