March 29, 1941 Ure “Me Monypeny Basketball Coach Southwestern College Winfield, Kansas Dear Bills : 4s I explained to you, it has been our policy to pass our games around over the State and this year we have promised Otte tMmruh that we would dedicate the fieldhouses gyimasiun at Bethel College at Newton at some convenient date for hims : o We have also promised to play the University of “iehita another game this year and since we are linited to eighteen games as a total I am afraid that it will not be possible for us to play you this yoare owever, sonetime in the future I assure you we will be glad to come again to Winfield. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yourg, Direotor of Physical Educetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAsig