SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR 1943 17 Prerequisite Primarily No. Course Courses Cr. Time Day Room Instr. Cr. in GEOLOGY 1 General Geology? 2yrs.H.S. Math 5 10:30 MWF 201 H Schoewe Cc Lab. 10:30-12:20 TT 201 H 9 Map Reading & Interpreta. . 2 8 :30 rr 201 H 9 ————_ Cc GERMAN 1 Elementary German 5 1:30 MTWTF 301 F Peters CP 2 German Reading and Gram. 1 5 10:30 MTWTF 310 F Anderson CP HISTORY 5 English History 6 8 :30 MTWTF 5FS Crawford Cc 152 Medieval Institutions and 5 hrs. Col. Hist. 2 9 :30 the National State ET: 5 FS Patterson CG 168 Latin America 5 hrs. Col. Hist. 3 9:30 MWF 5 FS Patterson CG HOME ECONOMICS 154 Child Care Laboratory 12 0r 83 andcon- 3-5 Appt. Appt. Appt. CG sent of instructor JOURNALISM *] Reporting I Eng. 2 3 7:30 MWF 107 J Beth Cc Lab. Prac., Sum. Kansan : Appt. Appt. 103 J Beth 162 Magazine Writing Eng. 2 3 8:30 MWF 107 J Beth CG 180 Elem. of Advertising Eng. 2 3 10:30 MWF 107 J Beth CBGP LAW 10 Weeks (May 24 to July 31) Evidence 4 9:30 MTWTF 106 G Viesselman LCG Business Units 4 8:30 MTWTF 106G Tupy LCG Insurance 2 10:80 MWF 106G Tupy LCG 5 Weeks (August 2 to September 3) Code Pleading : 4 ; . ae & MTWTF106G Moreau LCG MATHEMATICS 2a A College Algebra; 1144 yrs. H.S. Alg. 8 8:30 MWF 203 FS Ulmer CP or course 2 B College Algebra; a 325510230 - MWF 203 FS Venard 2b A College Algebra; 1 yr. H.S. Alg. 5 8:30 MTWTF 211 FS Kalisch CP B College Algebraj a 5 9 :30 MTWTF 203 FS’ Venard 3 A Trigonometry: 1 yr. H.S. Geom. 2 8 :30 TT 203 FS Ulmer Cc and 1 or 2a or 2b or with 2a or 2b B Trigonometry? a 2. 21030 ai 203 FS Venard 4 Analytic Geometry 2a or 2b, and 3 5 7:30 MTWTF 203 FS Ulmer Cc or 8a, or 2c 5 Calculus I 5 7:30 MTWTF 217 FS Kalisch C 7 Caleulus II 5 3 9:30 MWF 217FS Kalisch Cc 151 Differential Equations 5 3 9:30 MWF 211 FS Bell CG 163 Math. Theory of Statistics 5 3 8:30 MWF 113 FS Price CGE 3 Appt. Bell G 308 Seminar (Tensor Analysis) ° Not open to those who have had 11 or 51. * Not open to freshmen. : { 2a College Algebra is open to students who have had two units of algebra in high school only by per- mission of the department; 2b College Algebra is open to students who have had one and one-half units in high school for three hours credit only. + Open for 1 hr. credit to College students who have had Trigonometry in high school, or who had Course I.