SUMMER PROGRAMS FoR: 1943 21 Regular Summer Session (8 weeks) (June 14-August 7) Registration for Summer Session students will be on June 14, beginning at 8 a.m., in the office of the Registrar, after which will come, on the same day, enrollment in classes—to be held in the offices of the deans of the several schools offering work. Any student who is un- certain where he should go for enrollment, or who desires to be a Summer School Special, should report to the office of the Dean of the School of Education, 103 Fraser Hall, to whom also all questions about the work of the Summer Session should be addressed. New students in the Summer Session are required to take the Psychological and Aptitude Examinations, which are given on Saturday, June 19, both morning and afternoon. Notice: Unless otherwise designated five-hour classes will meet double periods every day (Monday through Friday) during the 8-weeks’ session. Three-hour classes will meet every day (Monday through Friday) for one hour and in addition one hour by appointment each week. Two-hour classes will meet four days a week (ordinarily Monday through Thurs- day) for one hour. Prerequisite Primarily No. Course Courses Cr: Time Day Room Instr. Cr. in ART Design 13° Design I 2-3 9:30-12:20 TT ‘8 S-T Whitney FAC 14 Design II 223) + -9:530=12:-20. TE 3 S-T Whitney FAC ' 88- 34 Design III-IV+ 2-3 9:30-12:20 MWF 3 S-T Whitney FAC 163-164 Design V-VI+ 2-3 9:30-12:20 MWF 3S-T Whitney FACG 193-194 Design VII-VIII 2-3 9:30-12:20 MWF 3 S-T Whitney FAG 801-302 Design 194 2-3 9:30-12:20 MWFEF 3 S-T Whitney FAG Handcrafts 21 General Handerafts II+ 1-2 7:30-9:20 MWF 5 S-T Whitney FAC 151-152 Gen. Handecrafts IV-V7 2 1-2 7:30-9:20 MWF 5 S-T Whitney FACG 181-182 Gen. Handecrafts VI-VII+ 1-2 7:30-9:20 MWF 5 S-T Whitney FACG 303-304 Handcrafts 192 1-2 7:30-9:20 MWF 5 S-T Whitney G Ceramics 29- 30 Ceramics I-II 1-2 7:30-10:20 TT 8 S-T Frazier FAC 159-160 Ceramies III-I V7 1-2 7:30-10:20 TT 8 S-T Frazier FA CG 189-190 Ceramics V-VI 1-2 7:30-10:20 TT 8 S-T Frazier FAG 305-306 Ceramics 190 Date a0slOr20 ik S-T Whitney G Drawing and Painting The following courses in Drawing and Painting will be offered cn a private lesson basis. In addition to the regular incidental and model fee, the student will pay a private lesson fee according to the following schedule: 1 hour credit, $10; 2 hours credit, $15; 3-4 hours credit, $20; 5-6 hours credit, $25; 7-8 hours credit, $30. 1 Antique I. (Freehand I.) 2-3 Appt. Dyche Mattern FAC 2 Antique II. (Freehand II.) 1 2-3 Appt. Dyche Mattern FAC 3 Constructive I 1 Appt. Dyche Mattern FA 4 Constructive II 3 1 Appt. Dyche Mattern FA 5 Perspective i Appt. Dyche Mattern FA 7 Composition I iL 2 Appt. Dyche Mattern FAC 8 Composition II i 2 Appt. Dyche Mattern FAC + For professional credit in the College.