fore it becomes too serious by the creation of sound public sentiment. This will be aided by a helpful attitude on the part of the press. If spectators rushed on the field at a crucial baseball game between the Cubs and the Giants in New York, there would be-strong criticism on the sport pages of papers throughout the country. But when a similar incident occurs at a football game the matter is pretty gener- ally treated as a joke. Too many acts of lawlessness are excused as college pranks. The college undergraduate or graduate should as a matter of fact be the most law-abiding citizen in the country, be- cause of the opportunities he has had. Much humorous comment was printed concerning a spectator who rushed into the line at a football game last fall, and as a natural result it is reported that the same action was attempted by publicity seekers in various parts of the country the following Saturday. Public sentiment of the right kind can be created through the press; by means of well devised notices in football programs, by prominently displayed signs along the approaches to stadia, and most of all by personal attitude of those who recognize football for what it is—a great sport for red- blooded people. The situation is not out of hand. The great majority of students, alumni and the general public who attend football games behave themselves in a way that reflects credit upon their intelligence and breeding. All that is needed is to stir up a positive attitude among them to the end that what we like to think of as American spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship may be protected and developed to the highest degree. And how necessary it is to foster the spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship; how vital it is to take a stand against lawlessness and the mob spirit is illustrated by the tragic events of the past few days. When high-minded, distinguished citizens of America find it neces- sary to seek refuge in a foreign land; when small time politicians seek to curry favor with and through big time criminals; when wide- spread maudalin sympathy is expressed for felons, it is high time that we seek to strengthen character, courage and integrity. In such an effort the promotion of clean, vigorous sport in a wholesome atmosphere is a factor of no mean importance.