PROGRESS REPORT COMMITTEE ON TEACHER EDUCATION COLLEGE PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION January, 1940 Eiwood Craig Davis, Chairman I. BEGINNINGS To refresh our memories, it will be recalled that for a number of years various members of the College Physical Education Association have pointed out the need for improving teacher education. Finally, in 1934 it was suggested that a committee be appointed to study a limited phase of the whole problem, namely, the weaknesses of the professional curriculum as reported by male physical educators teaching in the high schools of the country. The study was completed and reported at the annual meeting of the C.P.E.A. in 1938. In the meantime, many suggestions regarding other studies that should be made of teacher education in health and physical education were sent to the chairman of the committee. Consequently, at this same annual meeting it was proposed and approved that the College Physical Education Association sponsor a wide-scale study of undergraduate and graduete teucher education in health and physical education. The next month, January, 1939, the following men were selected to serve on the Committee on Teacher Education: WEST MID~WEST Mr. H. M.Foster Dr. S. C.Staley Dr. John Bovard Dr. E.D, Mitchell Professor W. R. LaPorte Dr. D. Oberteuffer Dr. C. L. McCloy SOUTH EaST Professor 0. Cornwell Dr. Carl P.Schott Dr. D. K, Brace Dr. F.R. Rogers Dr. J.R, Sharman Dr. W. L. Hughes Dr. Harry Scott Dr. Williim Meredith At the same time the following advisory Committee was selected: Dr. E.S,Evenden, Columbia University (Chairman) Dean M.R.Trabue, The Pennsylvania State College Professor 4. J.Brumbaugh, University of Chicago (Representative, North Central Association) Dean W. E. Peik, University of Minnesota Professor L. A. Pittenger, Ball Stete Teachers College, Muncie, Ind, Dr. William S. Taylor, University of Kentucky President George W. Frazier, State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado President R. L. West, State Teachers College, Trenton, N. J. Dr. H.S. Caswell, Columbia Univercity Mr. Ben W. Frazier, Senior Specialist in Teacher Education, U.S. Office of Education