whe Appointment of this joint comaittee was deferred until December 23, 1939 because of a conflict in the status of the a.A.H.P.E.R.'s Committee on Toacher Education. This conflict arose from legislation enacted at two previous consecutive annual conventions which wis contradictory as far as the appointment of the members of said committee was concerned. On the above- mentioned date the following committeemen were :ppointed by the President of the A.A.H.P.E.R. for the purpose of constructing an operating code for the 4 A.H.P.E.R.'s Committee on Teacher Ecucation*: Dr. Dorothy ainsworth, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Miss Jessie Garrison, State Department of Education, Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Vaughn Blamchard, 467 Hencock W, Detroit, Michigan Dr. Elizabeth Halsey, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Dr. Clair Langton, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon Mr, George Hjelte, City Hall, Los angeles, California Dr. E. C, Davis, The Pennsylvania State College, Stute College, Pa, (Ch. ) This Committee includes two uembers of the C.P.E.A. and two members from the N.a.D.P.E.C.W. The state directors, city administrators, as well as the fields of health education, physica] education, and recreation are represent— ed, The six geographical districts of the 4.A.H.P.E.R. are also represented on this Committee, as the members of the C.P.E.a. Committee on Teacher Education well know, after these various negotiations first began toward e joint study of the problem, work on the original study stopped, Obviously the nature and scope of the original study would be changed significantly if the various interested groups were included in the study. as has been described, the necessary steps have been taken to enlist the cooperation of these various groups and the original study will be enlarged from several points of wick. It is to be understood that the plan is to use the 0.P.E.a.'s original committee in toto, after a working plan has been adopted for the pursuit of the new and enlarged study, This Progress Report would be incomplete without mentioning the in- valueble assistance of the advisory Committee. They have not only rendered adwice but have attempted to guide funds from national foundaticns for use in the pursuit of the study thus far. It is also of interest to report that Mr, Hewitt, Department of Physical Education, Oregon agricultural College, is studying certain aspects of teacher education at the graduate level and is willing to cooperate. The Chairman has held a protracted conference with Mr, Hewitt and feels that his study will be helpful, It is hoped that other doctoral dissertations that cover various areas of the major problem may be initiated in other institutions, and that such studies will be sponsored by the Joint Committee which it is hoped will be appointed in the spring of this year, It should be recorded that the nature and scope of the study will be discussed in the Teacher Education Section, chairmaned by Doctor Delbert Oberteuffer, during the annual convention of the a,A.H.P.E,R. in Chicago this spring. The Chairman will welcome comments 2nd suggestions to this Progress Report from any member of the Main Committee or the advisory Committee. %Copies of this progress report awebeing sent to these persons,