October 6, 1943. Dear Jane and Hoot: We were delighted to have you in our home as one of the family, as of old. You really fitted into the notch, Jane, just as you always did when you were in college. The purpose of this letter is to emphasize to you, Jane, the nesessity of taking treatments. I aa not endeavor- ing to scare you in the least, but there is nothing that i know of that you could do to better advantage than to plan at least two treatments a week for a minimm of four weeks. That would make eight treatments, but 1 would say that the least you should consider would be twelve. However, I am afraid if I say twelve treatments that will seem too much. There is nothing, in my opinion, that will do you as much good as the treatments plus glyoolixir and betulin. You really neod these, Jane. foot, can't you see that she does this? You remember 1 wanted to give you more than two treat- nents, Jane, but that is all that I could get in. Yesterday's treatment went by the board, as you know, on account of having toe many things to do. Even though you are forsed to spend a half day getting the treatment, it is worth it. So pian on it and see how much better you will feel - fast. Cliff is still with us and when I left this morning he was snooging soundly. I let him have my car for his date last night and he seemed to be overjoyed. He is going away on the one o'clock streamliner and doubtless may give you a _ wing if he has time between trains. With all our love, I am Affeotionately, FCA: AH