“THE LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB This Certifies What MR. Fc. A l(Z, 5S Aion ee Met EN ne STANDING OF ") HE LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB LAWRENCE, KANSAS March AE Jai LLARL Mey S1, 1944. lunch with her today, and since I do not go home for lunch and since Isabel is out at Salina her noon hour will be profitably taken up Last night Mother and I went to see Betty Grable in "Pin-Up Girl". Mother didn't like the blonde! It is the first show that I have been i 3 : g with quiet and unresourceful Lawrence. Things are so quiet here you } = : : ‘ : E t Affectionstely, 7 , _ Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. — Jhe AMERICAN WAR DADS This is to certify that NAME SERIAL NO. BRANCH OF SERVICE IS THE SON OF r Dad_ CHAPTER CITY AND AS SUCH WE RECOMMEND HE BE EXTENDED ALL POSSIBLE COURTESIES AND ASSISTANCE. Phas P21. CHAPTER SECRETARY IGNATURE April 4, 1944. Pfo. Robert E. Allen, Co. E, Barracks 9, S306th S.U., A.S.T.P., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. Dear Bobby: Tt have written to the Hotel Mushlebach for a reservation on the night of April 26 for you and Jean. fowever, I was not sure of my re- quest so I am dropping a note to you to see whether you want a single room with twin beds, or a single room with a double bed, or a suite of two rooms with bath. We will have the reservation of a single room with a double bed - thet is sure, but if you want anything different, | oe ak ee Ee Fh seine Di ts bids 0 Seen tne Win metic et ns rush down to the city hall for a film and get it back to my class. I do promise, however, in the next few days to get to this matter that I have wanted to attend to for quite a while, and that is to write you a newsy letter regarding the department and all the happenings of the school, But our budget conference is on Friday, and I have not written the Jayhewk Rebounds, so until I get those things out of the way, - at least some of them cleared up, I will postpone further correspondence for the present. / Affeotionately, Your Dad | | Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Baskettell Coach. April 4, 1944. Henager, Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Sir: My son, Pfs. Robert %, ee cts us elles the Medical School at the University of Pemsylvania, will be mrried in Topeka, Kansas, Wednesday, April 26. Z should like to make a reservation for a single room : with double bed for the night of April 26. He end his bride will be enroute to Philadelphia to return to his studies. This is a tentative arrangement as I have written him asking if he desired twin beds or a suite of rooms, ee ee will be assured of a room. The writer has stayed with his Kansas varsity basketball teams many times at your hostelry. We formerly dealt with Elmer Hier, but I understand he is now in the service. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. Hubert Allen, 48352 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. | Dear Hubert: I am wondering if you wuld be kind enough to send me Elmer's address in southem Missouri. I had it onee, but somehow have lost it - I mean the name of the towmm. I want oe eee perty there for me. I trust that wdinen are going nicely with you and that you and your family are in good health. I am wondering if Hub, Jr., is in the service now. Bobby is over one-third ef his last semester in his senior year. So it won't be long. He is going to get married some time about the 26th of April and has a leave coming up for that time for seven days. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. December Sl, 1943. _ Mrs. Stella Allen, 9839 Winner Road, » Independence, Mo. ‘Dear Stella: Thanks for your good letter of Wednesday. I have sent the information on to Hubert. I saw Diek Wednesday night but missed him last night. We had quite a game with Missouri. I am glad for him and his friends to see the game. Yes, we did have a good Christmas. Bobby was home from Philadelphia. I am sending you one of our Jayhawk Rebounds that I wrote some time ago that tells about the family. 1 thought you might be interested in it as it give all the dope on the family. Bob returns tomorrow for Philadelphia for his senior year in medicine. We are more than pleased with his _ progress and his happiness. — With all good wishes for a very happy New Year, I am Sincerely yours, see Director of Physical Education, OA FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. m4 March 21, 1044. iu ie 3 a aly rt Hf Pg ah (8S, 2n295% i : Hie i Hide il 3 Hee i3 mi 5 ies dal te doe lh Hl ete 2 ce z i 2 yl Me v il | kes? fay nd if, HL aul ini is rs ‘i i 1 silttt bit ay mh if 1 sccomodate your father when it seems to me the matter is in your and their hends. tani Hy ii} iy ap, a z i i nips $3305 al Hi w#2. ai ate | i i i ite | 3 a alte I ii i ¥ lh a ty ii il i i i ] ii 144 4 tit i ‘ie i be aeeure you that my only activity has been upon the father who still expresses the desire that his have his property. Certainly any contract entered into SUnGnaIGGs ead ier ses GEL ME OF ereuntg Vein to 0 Onl If there is esnything that I can de further please let me know, | but I have no desire to spend my time and money needlessly. ogpia let a With @ll good wishes, I om . Yours, 3 Direetor of Physical Yducetion, Varsity Basketball Coach. March 21, 1944. ro Maurice Hughes, ord and Blue Ridge Independence, Moe Leas Ethel: dim wrote me & posteard, the contents of which I enclosed in my letter to him. I have replied to him in the best that I know how. This letter is self-explanatory. I an sorry that I could do no moro. Sith all geod wishes to you and Maurise, I an ‘Very sincerely yours, Direstor of hysical Education, PCA: Aa Varsity Basketball Coach. Bnee March 22, ne i. Robert Fe Milton, : toe nee Blue Springs, Missouri. 4 La. ‘ Dear Mire Milton: A s Jim wrote ms postoard dated te 16th, tho contents of whieh 7 you can read in my reply to hin. | se ened tae winitin Wak 5 nts i a ee out of your dilomma, but it seems as if it is an impossible situation to surmount. You remember when I wont with you to talk to tis. Milton she promised me that she would let mo hear from her. This: she did not do. Thorefore, I considered that any further negotiations would necessarily come from her be- cause she has never expressed her views to me. a We @ame only to see you last week and not to make further negotiations with Mrs. Milton. I trust that you are feeling bettere I assure you I had no motive only to be fair to everybody, not to give one person en advantage over the other in any poss~ ible way. It is difficult to make some people believe that. I an enclosing a carbon copy of the letter that I have written Jim so that there would be no misunderstanding. Sith all good wishes, T am - ‘Bineerely yours, Director of Physical Sdueation, FCA:Axd Varsity Basketball Cosch. A. J. MCKINNEY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CABOOL, MISSOURI March. 23nd 1944 . Mz. Forest C.Allen. Lawrence. Kans. Dear Mr.Allen: Your letter to hand,and was very glad to hear from you once Now ir. Allen as to the 40 acres, You spoke of having it cleaned up and fencing put around it. So that is what it us needs above every thing else. But after you go to the expense of having that done,and put a buildings on it look where it will run to. You cannot get building materal now hardly, and it will cost you some where trom $1000.00 to $1500.00 to do all that. and then you could now sell it tor over $1800.00. There is no water on it only through the winter season ar when it is a wet season. Oo : iow i think your best shot is to sell it to some one adjoining it and there would be no buildings to build. But if you can get your brother to come and take charge ot 1t,1 think that would be the thing to do, As you cannot get help here now, as our young men are all gone or going to the war. So now this is as near as I can give you the lay of .every thing. but atter considering the matter and you want the $500.00 I believe I can sell it for you, So thanking you ‘for your letter. and if I can be of futher help to you call on me. os Sinserly Yours. Riedy ion e Pevely / | M. F. A. Producers Condensary Creamery Sin eed <— KANSAS CITY THROUGH CABOOL»—-— =@& ANNUALLY Dairy Vol. 3,376,680 lbs. In Terms of Butter Scoring 90% No. 1 2,000,000 Ibs. Powdered Skim Milk ..- Egg_ Volume ., 1,873,000 Dozens ~ Wool, 220,000 lbs. Live Poultry 320,000 Ibs. (20 cars) 1500 Cars of Freight (All Kinds) Truck Freight Tonnage : , ; ; 9,700 Tons One of Consolidated School Buildings — Transportation Kindred Lines in Proportion Highway Transportation One of Eight Wholesale Oil Distributors Main Line of Frisco R. R. " March 21, 1944. i te wht yates it in shape for sale. I know that forty acres will bring very much more money if it is improved. If I could get a decent offer I might entertain it, but of course $500 is out of the question. | Mr. MeKinney, what do you really think the farm is worth on a good cash turnover? Personally, I think it is worth $1,000 cash if it is worth anything, if there was a good fence around it and the brush is cleared off so that it would make a fime dairy location. It is just large enough so that it could be handled in good shape for a dairy. There is a concrete highway right by it so I am willing to sell it for a fair price; but certainly $500 is no consideration whatsoever. I am opreis axe of the Douglas County Selective Service board and have had charge of the Douglas County 1944 Red Cross Yar Fund top in the Red Cross campaign, Very sincerely yous, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. - STATED COMMUNICATIONS ON THE FIRST AND THIRD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS (Th, Fant 4, Ube Ave sicg, [faccea a wes @ Levey Laine eo? Coe a a oe ie Las a ete geud Ser Cattle 0n fle treetel. lo Afloe At Se flicg Meer fier Onely ee late Leese, Saw Md, Dae ty Bb ng Peer fe 2h One I Aaceral by twtithrr, LE lier pie foe ae Meet Aeat Mz fercty aieanstr be Yu bo baile pe nee Lise 1 bteay [2 Ao Le, Metalic _ es na gutirg fully he Mareh 13, 1944. Dear Nary, Joan and Wibbo: celebrities. I wrote the salubrity congrawilating hin So be sure that you do not disappoint us. We are glad that you womenfolks have recovered from your slight indisposition, and we ere happy that Wib le shakes all of the obstacles free of her anatomy. “ith love, I am Affectionately yours, March 13, 1944. _ Lellows voted their approval of you you to know that this makes ue all very proud. — trust that your success will continue. is pons cane follow thay elect hin to serve. I em sure that you will Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. March 13, 1944. Mr. Leander P. Hamilton, 11l Sutter Build San Francisco, Calif. Dear Pete: Thanks very much for your kindness in having George Kemedy ship the supercargo from his jobber in Springfield. A man named Hedrick called me and I believe it was the man that you had in Kansas City before he resigned and went out to the Lake City plant. He stated the price was $59.82 and since I kmew nothing about it, I presume that was correct, was it not? Anyhow, everybody is happy and I appreciate your kindness. ‘rs. A. raised the mischief and made allusions to Al Capone and the rest of the gang. It is very nice of you to put yourself out, and I trust that no one will throw any barrages ~ mental or actual - teward you for your kindness. I am glad to mow that Mary is much better and that Joan is getting along fine. Mimi has been terribly worried. about her. We were all thrilled regarding Loe‘s election to the presi- dency of his school and his fine athletic record. I am writing him a note letting him know that we are very proud of him. He is developing . wonderfully and we trust that his success will continue. He has always — been such a modest chap that I think these things are good for him to ) build yp his morale. Mimi is so homesick for California that whenever a letter comes not only her mouth waters but also her eyes. I think it would really be a good thing for her to take another trip out, but she says finances won't permit it. She is counting on Mary and the ohildren as af her life almost depends upon it, so I trust nothing will pervent their coming. And I trust that you will be able to make it east while they are here. With our love to the family, I an Fraternally and sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH ‘ 3 Varsity Basketball Coache LEANDER P. HAMILTON March 3, 1944 Dear Doctor: Word has been received from George Kennedy today that he was finally enabled to ship some super-— cargo from his jobber in Springfield, Missouri, to his jobber in Kansas City, Missouri, for your very special benefit. I trust by now that this has been received, and, if not, please advise me and I'll make some ar- rangement to ship it from California. As a matter of fact, if you want some additional merchandise from California, let me know and I'll ship it to you in care of the Brogan Drug. We are all feeling fine out here. Mary had a little cold about a month ago, and Joan was laid up for a few days, but everybody is in shipshape now and feeling great. Bert and Ruth De Groot took Mary and me to see the Navy Pre-Flight and Coast Guard Game held here in 5an Francisco last Saturday. Hank Luisetti plays on the Pre-Flight team, as you know, and Jim Pollard plays on the Coast Guard team. It was a wonderful game, but Luisetti finally won out. The Hamilton clan send their love to Mimi and you. Fraternally and cordially yours 2 Dr. %. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Robinson Gymnasium Lawrence, Kansas CIB T Warrev RA. Pro. 14/9/43 February 3, 1944 Dearest Jane and Hoot: I'm not endeavoring to answer your fine letter at the present but am answering your question. I'm sending you a radio talk I made over KFKU a week ago. I gave this to the press and they made a story out of it. I'm sure the contents will answer your question. Will write you soon in long hand but just gave my pint of blood today and will sweat the rest of it out trying to make a winning club out of my hopeful striplings. With love, Affectionately, \ Pebruary 3, 1944 P.F.C. Robert E. Allen, 15, 202,200 Co. EB, Barracks No. 9 S$S505th 5.U.A.S.T.P. University of Penna. | Philadelphia, 4, Penna. “> Bear Boba! I'm sending you a copy of a letter I wrote Hugh Fullerton that I throught you would enjoy. ‘ Also sending you a copy of a radio talk I made here at the University. Don't take time to read it until all the babies have been born in Philadelphia. © Affectionaiely, December 28, 1943. Mr. Dick Allen, 98359 Winner Road, independence, Mo. Dear Dick: The tickets will be in your name at the Munic ‘vor Auditorium each night. I will endea if possible. I believe that I can make Affecti onately, Director of Physical Rducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.