April 4, 1944. Henager, Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Sir: My son, Pfs. Robert %, ee cts us elles the Medical School at the University of Pemsylvania, will be mrried in Topeka, Kansas, Wednesday, April 26. Z should like to make a reservation for a single room : with double bed for the night of April 26. He end his bride will be enroute to Philadelphia to return to his studies. This is a tentative arrangement as I have written him asking if he desired twin beds or a suite of rooms, ee ee will be assured of a room. The writer has stayed with his Kansas varsity basketball teams many times at your hostelry. We formerly dealt with Elmer Hier, but I understand he is now in the service. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.