" March 21, 1944. i te wht yates it in shape for sale. I know that forty acres will bring very much more money if it is improved. If I could get a decent offer I might entertain it, but of course $500 is out of the question. | Mr. MeKinney, what do you really think the farm is worth on a good cash turnover? Personally, I think it is worth $1,000 cash if it is worth anything, if there was a good fence around it and the brush is cleared off so that it would make a fime dairy location. It is just large enough so that it could be handled in good shape for a dairy. There is a concrete highway right by it so I am willing to sell it for a fair price; but certainly $500 is no consideration whatsoever. I am opreis axe of the Douglas County Selective Service board and have had charge of the Douglas County 1944 Red Cross Yar Fund top in the Red Cross campaign, Very sincerely yous, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.