March 13, 1944. Mr. Leander P. Hamilton, 11l Sutter Build San Francisco, Calif. Dear Pete: Thanks very much for your kindness in having George Kemedy ship the supercargo from his jobber in Springfield. A man named Hedrick called me and I believe it was the man that you had in Kansas City before he resigned and went out to the Lake City plant. He stated the price was $59.82 and since I kmew nothing about it, I presume that was correct, was it not? Anyhow, everybody is happy and I appreciate your kindness. ‘rs. A. raised the mischief and made allusions to Al Capone and the rest of the gang. It is very nice of you to put yourself out, and I trust that no one will throw any barrages ~ mental or actual - teward you for your kindness. I am glad to mow that Mary is much better and that Joan is getting along fine. Mimi has been terribly worried. about her. We were all thrilled regarding Loe‘s election to the presi- dency of his school and his fine athletic record. I am writing him a note letting him know that we are very proud of him. He is developing . wonderfully and we trust that his success will continue. He has always — been such a modest chap that I think these things are good for him to ) build yp his morale. Mimi is so homesick for California that whenever a letter comes not only her mouth waters but also her eyes. I think it would really be a good thing for her to take another trip out, but she says finances won't permit it. She is counting on Mary and the ohildren as af her life almost depends upon it, so I trust nothing will pervent their coming. And I trust that you will be able to make it east while they are here. With our love to the family, I an Fraternally and sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH ‘ 3 Varsity Basketball Coache