June 25, 1044. is see sien aii Sn ws Sais ak a ties alee athlete's foot come to ou attention by hospital authorities. It has been more than a year ago that the Cramer Chemical Company, of Gardner, Kansas, installed some three-foot-square wooden boxes. The bexes aro about six inehes high, They did this as an experiment with no cost to us. An antie septic powler - a fungus germicide - was used, This powder was by Dr. L. Le Boughton, Dr. a. J. Mix, amd Dr. B. Le Treece, and it has dene a wonderful job. It is rather a departure from the old liquid anti-~ septic used in so many shower rooms because the feet should be dried first before the individual steps into the box. ‘This insures a dryness between the toes, which te move tensfieial tian neisture where athlete's fest develops. The old nane of vthlete’s foot was “Hongkong” or "Asiatic" foot, developed in warm cliriates where the temperature was very high. Cramer Company retails this powder st 16¢ a pound. We buy it in 100 pouud lots. If the Couztry Club would like to experinent with this xe would be glad to let the Soard of Directors have any amount that they would like to try out before they purchast it, st the regular cost to us. There is a rubber container propped up against the wall near the shower beth, It is not as large as would be most satisfectory for a a a a Se