DEAR FELLOW-MEMBER OF ] SOUTHERN~METHODIST- UNIVERSITY, Pr "HEADQUARTERS COMPANY 20" Dallas, 5, Texas, 2 July, 1943 “*- On July 18, 1943 it will be-twenty-five years since we came together 48 the 20th Company of the 1918 S.A.T.C, Camp at Fort Sheridan, The printed-Roster of the Come pany [published that summer by Emmett Long, now of Follansbee, W.Va.J lists 204 men —~--nearly all of them being professors or-administrative officers of colleges and universities of the Middle West and South, The 1918 Roster gave highest degrees and a: academic affiliations of the members of the Company, and that information does not necd to be repeated hero, In many ways the Company had a distinguished porsonneot; Thirty-two members of the Company were listed with Doctor's degrees [Ph.D., M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M., and S.J.D.1, end fifty-five others had Master's degrees, In the twenty-five years that have elapsed; there has been a great increase in the numbers of mombers who imve Doctor's degrees. The number of mon listed in "Who's ‘ho in Amorica"* has greatly increased, also,"as would be expected, I understand thet Dungay, Srell, Scutar, and perhaps Place, have gotten the M.D, degree since our Fort Sheridan days. - Among the men of the Company whose careers I have followed, the following might be especially mentioned: W, S. Alison, president of Statson University since 1934; R. VW. Crum, director of the highway rescarch board, Netional Research Ccuneil, sinco 1928; R, C, Flickinger, head=-professor of Lstin and Greek at the University of Iowa Since 1925; F., J. Kolly, chief of the division of colleges and professional schools of the U, S, Office of Education since 1931; T. J. Msok, professor of uriental lane guages at the University of Toronto sinco 1923; Alfred Owre, who died in 1935; as Gean of the school of dentyvistry at Columbia University; H, D. Prillips, P. E, Bishop of Southwestern Virginia since 1938; B, EB, Setsaitt, professor of modern his= tory at the University of Chicago since 1925; Jwun Sundwall, professor of hygiene ana public health at tho University of Michigan since 1921; and of courso Knut Rocke ne, whose tragic death in 1931 was a nation-wide concern, I have information of the deaths of the following men of our C.mpany: dates, as far as I know them, are give en in the list of presont-addrosses of the living mombors of the Company. Tuose deceased members"are: A, T. Adams, R, B. Allen, H, H.-Bass, E. C, Buss, R. EB. Car ter,"J. 0. Davis, H.-W. Duin, Logan Esarey, H, Dz Funk, H, S. Gentry, S. I. Lang= maid, W.-E, Loekhart,-J. H, Loomis, R, B, MeGheo, J, W. Moss, Isaiah L. Miller, G. Be Mortimer, Alfred Owre, C. E, Pike, K, K, Reckne, L. C. Slcosman, and Keith K, Smith, Ovcr the years, the memories of our short and hoctic experience at Fort Shoridan have been a gooc deal of satisfaction to mo-—=principally because of the men who were members of the Company. I assume that many of you feel the same wey. Many men you may care to-renew acquaintance with by correspondence, even after the lapse of all those years. While you may not recall sone of the men, you may remerber a great nany, With pleasure, I fcolt a distinet sense of loss at the d.aths of R. B. Allen, Carter, Funk, Langmaid, and Miller; and a great deal of pleasure to see how many of the Company heave done and accomplished good things. I have tried to secure as fully as possible present acdrossos, but-sore of then, (furnished by collego alumni offices) may be incorrect or-outcated, Otier involun= tery errors may have crept in, and those I greatly regret. "NR" aftor a name indi= cates that ropeated and diversified inquirias gave no results. Ia those cases whore & bicgraphy is available, the source is indicated in brackets: "WW" (Who's Who in 4cerica); "AMS" (Aserican Moen of Science); "DAS" (Birectory of Aierican Scholars); "WEngr" (hots Who in Engineering); "LE" (Leacers-in Eiucation); "Tal (Texian Whots \fno).” I nave not included degrees and titles; as this is not intended to be & Directory, but merely a list of presont addressos. . se I shall be glad to receive corrections anc emendations, so far as you ean give thom ~- Cordially and sincerely yours, S. W. GEISER pe2 : LIST OF PRESENT ADDRESSES Adams, irion T,. @ 1932- - {Thomas, Ky., several yoars ago"--Hanover Coll, dlexander, Licyd L, ner. (Simpson Coll.) "was teaching in public schools at Fort/ Allen; Forrest C, Dept, Piysical Euueat ion, Univ, Kansas, Lawrence, allen; Reginald B. Gd. March 4, 1938 4ilon, Villiam-Sims. Stotson Univ., DeLand, Fla. (WW, LE] - B:kewell, Paul, Fullerton-Blég.; 122 N. 7th St.; Saint Louis. Bass, Horace H, d. Sept. 5, 1935, at Warrensburg, Mo. - : Batson; William Howard. Scuth Dakota’State University, -“Vormillion. [LE] Bonson, William C, 807 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, Minn.- [DLS] Bill, Clarence-Powers. ‘\estern Reserve Unive, Cleveland, Ohio, ([WW, Das, LE] Bitker, Pierce. a Bolser, Claude M.- 59 W,. 70th St., N.Y. City. Buveo, Ben is. .Dels Bracewell, Russell S, ~41 ‘soodbridge St., South" Hadley, Mass. Brannan; Robert Edmund. 24 Bodford Ré,, Summit, NJ. Brayton, H. Re Toxas A. & Me College, College sent ion, TeX. Browning, Erne E, nr. : Burns; Odis H, 211 15th Sti, Denver, Colo. - Burns, P. P, Heward College, Birminghan, Lia. (DLS, LE] Burrows, Clyde Le Nee ~ ; Buss, Elbert Clarence d. April, 1935, at-Grand Repids, Mich. Caldwell, Rush M, 2527 Ross dave., Dallas, Texas FTxIW] - 3 Carter, Rulph E, D. Last work was in Extens,. Div, of Univ, of Indiana, Carrithers, Ira T, 326 Guaranty Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cavan, Ivrdan T, Rockford Cellecge, Rockford, Ii1, [LE] Clarks, Elbert H, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. [AMS] * Cline, Tnomas L, “51 , Stovens-Streat, Gettysburg, Penna. [DAS] Clingenpeel, C. A, Fayette, Mo. . . : Coberly, Ernest L. Dept. Publ, Instruction, 210 Cuntinental Bldg., Springfield, Ilig Cole, Harry Newton, 1403 E, Seconc Street, Fort Lnuderdale, Fla. Coleman, Richard L, 4922 Junius St., Dallas, TEX. Connelly, Cyril C. ~Reckvillc, Ind. - : . Cooper, Obic Boland. Alabama- Collage, Box 13, Montevallo, sla. Cory, Msrton M, 625 Grove Ste, East Lansing, Mich. [Ene rT] Corleum, Fe Je Rel > Cunningham, Ray C. Y.M.C.i#., lowa-State Cullese, Amos, Iowa Crun,"R. ke 2101 Constitution ave., ‘ashington, D.C. [4MS, WiEner] D:vis, James C, d, June, 1940, Dey, Ecward ‘-hitfield. : j : Deppe, Charles 4, Franklin College, Franklin, ind. - Devey, Rober’ M, 83 Crescent STey Northhampton, Muss, Dezall, Samuel O, n.r. Doty, Cassius M, 134 LaSalle St., Chicazo - Downing, Harold H,; 138 State Si., Lexington, Ky. [AMS] Dunbar; Orville D. Huron, S.D. - Duncan; Valter 120 First Street, LaSaile, Ill. ~- : Dungsy, Neil Stanley. Carlton College, Northfield, Minn, [i, AS] Dunn, Ws. We fe.O00t. 20,1955... - Eastnan, Erie Es 9320 Pine Court, LaMesa, Colif. Elder, Lucius ’. Knox College, Galesburg, ill. -[Dis, LE] Emrick, Paul 5, 750 Staciun, West Lafayette, Ind, Esarey, Logan. G5 Sept.-24, 1942, = Fercuson, Muxvell. Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pa. [DAS] - * Finch, Frank R, 1619 S, University Avenue, jinn trbor, Mich, [\\Engr] Fitts, Loverectte E.- nr. Fitzpatrick, Eaward. mer. ~ : . Elickinger, Ruy Caston 301 N,. Capitol 8t., Iowa City, Ia. ['’, DAS, LE] ~ ~ - ~ ~~ = - Freudenberger, Norman, S-\/ Missouri State Teachers Coll., Svringfield, Mo. op. Freund, E, J, 401 ‘iashington St:; Valparaiso, Ind; Fritz,~Ciarles Af 7810 34th wees Jackson Heights, N.YsCity [DAS] Foster, George Nimmons.- 311 8. Spring Stes Los. angeles, alse. avy Funk, Henry D> 4. June, 1925, Geuthisr, Geo, , ai 553 N, tashington ive., Delaware, Ohio. — Geiser, Samuel “nod. 3543 Haynie, Dallas 5, Texas [i7, AMS, LE, Tx] Gentry, Homer’S, "6: about 1941"---Alabama ‘Polytechnic Institute, Gilbert, Ay we tab f Gill, Cuarles ¥. ner. : Glasenor, Russeil F; -216 N, University Sts, Normal, Til. Graves,” James We” ner. Greever, Garland.” 4132 Creed ive., Los ‘ngeles, Culif, [7, DAS, LE] Gunn, “Vhitt. nore + Gutknecht, John. lil 7, ‘ashington St., Chicago. ~- Hedley, Frederick BJ 2120 Monroe St, Madison, Wis. [AMS] , Herno, Albert James, Collego of Law; “Ghis, of Tilinois, Urbana. ['"", LE] Herrolb, Gsorge L, Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss. Havkins, Joscph E, Baylor Univ., ‘aco, Tez. Helm, Charles 4, University of Missouri, Columbia. [AMS] _ Helmecke,-Carl Alberts ‘\estorn Stake Golleéo; Gunnison, Colo, Henderson, Fe"Ne Nels 3 Horsh, fmos H, ~Adelbort-Collego; ‘Jostern RoSorvs Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. [AMS] Hosnault, Louis. “Rte. 3, Box 44; St. Joseph, Mo. ~~ Himmell, Edward N.- 135 kommix N, Loomis; Naporville, Ill. Hoffer, John G. YsM.C.e4., “/ichita, Kans. Holliday, Houghton. 430 7, 116th-St., NsY.City; Hughes; Elmor H, Univorsity-Farm, Davis, Calif. [AMS] - - Hutton, Joseph-Gladdon.~ S.D. State College, Brookings, S.D. Hyatt, Oscar V7, 3523 N, 17th ivo., Birminghem, Ala, Tiecs,-I, Ve 525 N, 17th St., Manhattan, Kans, ~- 7 Jemos, Merk C.~- Grango National Bank, Now Milford; Ponna. Jay, Erskino L, ~Ladysmith, ‘lise. Jcnitings, Morloy.- Baylor Univ,, Waco, Texas, Jonos; Frod Aw els” ~ Jones; Yilliam H, -n.r. Kelly, Frodcrick J, 3900 Cathodral Avo., “ashington, D.C, [(Y, LE} Kondall, William Horatio. 2803 Carrolton AvGe, Indianapolis, Ind. Kionth, Arthur E, nr. “s Kovalke, 0. L, 2012 Jofforson St., Madison, “isc. [AMS, “WEnerg] Kuever, Rudolph 4, 5 Molross Circlo, Iowa City, Iowa, ~[ AMS] - Lentmaid, Stephen Ives, 4: Oct. 29, 1940, at Lafayotte, Calif. Lautz,"illiam H,, jrg Bre Littls, Frank Me. Mer. ~ 4 Lockhart, Villiam E, 4. 1942,.- ~- Long, E:mott E, ~Follansbeo, \’, Va. Loonis; J, H,- ad. Jan. 9, 1943- ‘ . Lownan, Gay S. 2115 Bascon St., Madison, ‘vise. . Lundquist, G; R. 1318 Rosalis St.; Evanston, Ill, - , MeCool,"M. M. Boycto Thompson Inst,, 1086 N, Broadway, Yonkors, N.Y. [AMS] McCrory, Raymonc j, 8148 Abordcon Court, Milwaukon, “ise. McGhoo, Robert Bruco. @ July 26, 1939, in Mobils, Ala. n . McKusitk, Marshall-Noah. Univ. of South Dakota, Vermillion, [\7, LE] McNutt, Franklin H, Univorsity.of Cincinnatti, Ohio. [EE] - McWilliams, Harvey L; 1/N, jndrows Avc., Ft. Leudordale, Fla. Martin, Doan '¥, Rto. 4, snoke, Minn, : Moss, Jeff Wace "d, about~1920"—--tustin Collore,. Massopust, Leo OC, 2931 N. 46th Ste; Milwaukee, “is. Mathews, E, J, University of Toxas, Austin, [LE, Tx"/} ~ a - “= ~ -= - - - ~ 3 Pp. 4 : ey . Matteson, Clarcneo-E, 803-Consolidated Bank Bldg:, Tucson, Ariz. Mey, Clarcnes Darl, 520 S, Park St., Bloomington, Ind. [AMS] Mcacor, Lewis E, -Drury College, Springfiold, Mo<- . Mook, Theophile J, 68° Spadina Ra, : Toronto, Ont., Canada. [LE] Menuet; Robort L. nmr. ~ * Millor,; Isaiah L.- d Fab. 22, 1936, [AMS] Miller, M.A. ° ner. Bi ze Moors, Jemos G, 2125 “, Lewn Avo., Madison, “is.- [AMS] —- George B. d. Nov. 18,°1934;5 at Madison, wis, [AMS] Mosloy, Charles P,~- Jacksonville, Oks Nash, - John Uy Meh ~ Nelus: EB, B, Rte, G, Tulsa, Vala, ~."" : : Nollo, Alfred H, 204 1. Mcotthows St., San Marcos, Tex. [LE] Owre; Alfred. d Jan. 2. 1935, in N.Y. City. [1] Pago, H. Orville Nee 2 Parlin; H, T; 150 Ecucat ion Blde., Univ. of Texas, Austin, [LE] Pasini, He Ps. ‘Dit. Patterson, Jusoph J, 112 S, “ostovor, © Fort “orth; Toxas, Perkins, Rellin Morris. -1041 voodlam, Tuva City, Ia. [MK] Peterson, Clarence T. ner. ~ Phillips, Honry De Box 2068, Roanoko; Va. [‘/] - - Piorey, Jusoph Vs 708 Builantino Ra, Bloorington, Ind. [LE] Piko, Carl E, -a, Oct. 15, 1918. Plate, Josse A.~ 1712 16th St., Galveston, Tex. ~ > Pritchard, E. 4. c/o Board of Education, Reading, -Ponna. Puckett, “Erastus P, Central College; Fryette,-Mo. [EE, Das] Rancolph, Herry Bs -1708 E, Glenoaks, Glendale, Calif, Rawloy, Seott. ner. Reic; J, T. “Univ, of New Moxico, Albuquerque. - { LE] Remp, Martin, 667 Culloge ive., ‘icostor, Ohio. LE] Reinbold, Louis J, nr. Richardson, Rupert N, Hs rdin-Sirmons University, Abileno, Tex. [DAS, LE, Tx.47} Pidewag, Jo Ge” Babs * Rienow, Robert. Univ. of Iowa, Icwa City. [.%, LE] Rockne, Knut K, -d. Mareh 31, 1931. : 5 Rix, John Burton. 3625 Haynie, Ballas 5, Toxas, Roce; Ralph B, Frisco Blég., St.-Luuis, Mo. a . Rusk, Relph Leslie. Euglish Dspt:; Culumbia Univ.; N. Y. City. [°', DAS] Ryan, Js Je 2861 N, Prospect ves, Midvaukee, “Vis.- Sincers, ‘alter Frederick, Park-Cvllege, Pearkvilis, Mo, ([1¥, LE] Sattre, Alfred M, 8157S, 6th St., Mvorheac, Minn. ~chabinger, he fo Nelu pero. Paul L,~ 2475 Boxley Park Rd3; Columbus, Ohio, {DAS ] . - Sallademan, Kari. Physical Ean; Dupt., Michigan Steto Coll., onst Lansing. Sthmidt; John H, 230 Grove St., Bioomfictd, NoJ. -[AMS] Sobnitt, Bernadotte Everly Sehnitt. Dept: History U.-of Chicago. [i, DAS, LEJ Sefton, Frederick S, 589 Sunset Viow Dr,,-Akron, Onto, Sunllengerger, Garvin D, Univ. of Montana, Missoula. [AMS] E : Sharp, Trevelyan, 22199 Parnel& Rd,; University Heights, Cioveland, Ohio. Slsesman, Lonix Ce d. June 12, 1937, ->- Sith; John BE, New Mexico Military Inst., Ruswell. [AMS] z Sith, Jeseph E, Secial Science Dept., ~Youn.storm [Okio] College. Sith; Keith Kuenzis d. Sept. 18, 1935; [AMS] . Cake Orrin Harold.- DoPauy University, Greencastle, Ind. {'", AMSJ Smith, W. Leon. ners = Srsll, Noble Russell. 2038 7, Madison St., Chicaco; Iil, St uphens, Frank Flvtcher. 203 Thilly St., Columbia, Mo, [i, ‘DAS, LE] Soutar, Richard G, 3300 Cutter Vay, Sacrancnto, Calif. Speer, “whitcomb B, 1445 Laranie, Manhattan, Kans, - ~ | : Le Ped Stewart, Jonn We mer. ~ . . Stone, Milton U, SOl\’, Abram; Arlington, Texas- Stuckey, Lloyd. 4766-DelMente, San Diego, Calif. Sundwall, John, Univ. of Michigan, Ann arbor, [177] . . Sutherland, E¢win Hardin, Dept. Sociology, U. of Indiana, Bllomington. [17,DAS] Svan, Harry L, Allerton Club, Chicago, Ill. . . Tayler; William R. North Carolina Vonans Eollege, Grsensboro, Thomas, uilbert L, 355-N, College St., Auburn, Ale. (Ener ] - ° Throckmorton, Rey Iams, Kensas State-Le¢ricultural College, Manhattan, [i7/, AMS] _ Tracy, Henry C. University of Kansas, Lawrence, [4MS] Troutman, O. We. nir. - = . : Van der Zee, Jacob. Univ,-of Iowa, Iowa-City. [tu, DAS, LE] Van Hagen, Leslie F, Univ.-of Wisconsin, -Madison; [““WEnyrs] Van Hook, Jeseph 0, Box 52, Toch Station; Ruston, Louisiana, Wupner, Charles-Philip. 900 Lincoln Ave., Ann irbor, Mich, [IAT Wahkems Behe Bel - > Verron, F, G. Southern Illinois Nornal University, Carbondale. [LE] vondt, Wylie B. Univ. of Louisville, Ky, [AMS, Winger} Vhistler, P. F. ‘‘ashington, Lowa. : % Willians, Arthur Jawes., Univ. of Oxlahoma, Normans villians, Guy Y. 468 Ein wve., Norian, Okle,. “(, AMSj Wilson, Harley F, Univ of ‘visconsin, Madison. [AMS] - \inebrenner, Oren Elmer, 903 Rogan St., Brownwood, Tax. [Txt] Winton, Will MeClain. Texas Christian University, Fort Vorth, [\7’, AMS, Txiv] Wittick, Valter J, Stato Toachers College, LaCrosse, ‘iis. ood, Albert G. Grove City College, Grove City, Ponna. [aMs] - Zeldin, S: D, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. [AMS] Zirmerman, Myers E, ¢/o University Book Store, Valparaiso, Indiana, FE AR RR KK KK AK ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA - oe - "P. F. Whistler", em. WHISLER - ~ a ~— O. W, Troutman died at Central State Teachers College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., "about ten years ago", vnarles VW, Gill resides 569 Highland Ave., Meadville, Ponna, ~~ he - ~ d, Orville Page, res. Yatervliet, Mich - os Roy C, Flickinger d. July 6, 1942, at Iowa City, Iowa Ralph E, Carter d. Oet. 10, 1933, - WW. Loon Smith res. Blytheville, Ark, 2 IK . os dimswers to inquiries could not be obtained (in-thirt# days) from Armour Inst, Toch., Lineoln Memorial University; Tulane University, University-of Pittsburgh, College of Emporia, and the Y.M.C.s, Colloge at Springfield, Mass,, hence a number of their graduates could not be listed with addresses, ae ce S. 7. GEISER (Ss Coaching Personnel, 1919 Forrest C. Allen, Manager of Athletics Virgil McCarthy, Head Football and Baseball Coach Karl Schlademan, Coach of Basketball and Track Adrian Lindsay, Freshman Football and Freshman Baseball Coach Honey Wilson, Groundskeeper, author of that Bengal "Tiger" FORREST C. ALLEN Varsity Basketball Coach Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 1905 - Manager and right guard, Kensas City Athletic Blub National Champion- ship Basketball Team, Defeated Buffalo Germans, of Buffalo, New York, in series of three games: lst game - KCAC 36 Buffalo 40 Qnd game = KCAC 30 Buffalo 28 Srd game = KCAC 45 Buffalo 14 1908 1909 - Coach, University of Xensas Basketball Tesm, winning Missouri Valley Championship both years. Also, coach of Beker University and Haskell Institute basketball teams, Sept. 15, 1919 - Mamger of Athletics, University of Kensase Coach of no sport, Jane. 5, 1920 - Varsity Basketball Conch (avuggestion of Coach Sehlademan); no extra salarye , Sept. 20, 1920 - Varsity Football Coach; no increase in salary. Dec, 15, 1920 = pirector of Athletics (action of Athletic Board); no increase Gn salarye April, 1923 - Founder of Kansas Rolays (first annual Kansas Relays) 1923 - Appointed head of Department of Physical Education and Athletics (designated now as Director of Physical Bducation) 1924 = Established two-year minor course in Physical Nducation for teachers and coaches. 1928 = Founder of National Associstion of Basketball Coaches of the United States, serving as president for first two years, 1928 aud 1929, 1937 « Established four-year major course in Physical Education for teachers and coaches. me September 30, 1944. Ref.: DLD-MEH Mr. J. A. Alien, Supervisor, Driver's License Division, Vehicle Department, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your good letter of the 22nd instant. I had some- how failed to find the license No, 16-7764 which was issued me prev- feusly. I had been stopped by a highway patrolman asking for my driver's license. I searched through my entire billfold and failed to find the one that I should have found. I felt perhaps that ZI was delinquent and went to the Court House to get another one. I am sorry that I caused you the inconvenience that I did, but I was wanting to be doubly sure. It is very nice of you to write me, and I am returning the applicant's receipt. I am like a lot of these fellows - put everything 2 the billfold and fail to find the necessary when under pressure. Iwill appreciate the remittance at your convenience. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. senna siaenines hapa JUL 2 1941 > APPLICANT'S RECEIPT: Date Received the sum of forty cents in payment of fee for Kansas operator’s license. N? 1 6 = 2 3 8 d : Refer to serial number and name if necessary to write the Forre st e . Allen department regarding this ap- plication. Address all corre- spondence to C. M. Voelker, Name 7 Supt., Vehicle Dept., T ka, OO a. ek Eehen ee (St. or R. F. D.) C. M. VOELKER, Supt., ehicle Department, te Highway Commission. E i figs crete cast ee seers eh ce = (CCMPWTENCE Kans, (State) 1,026,700 oes APPLICANT'S RECEIPT: Date.... = Gad legy Received the sum of forty cents in payment of fee for Kansas operator’s license. N°? 16- 7764 i Forrest..C Allen... Name poe ee ol 4 pSeees ee (Gig) TW BS Bites By OF Goer MOR lc a s License Representative. 19-7392-O-16 5-48—1,121,500 Refer to serial number and name if necessary to write the department regarding this ap- plication. Address all corre- spondence to C. M. Voelker, Supt., Vehicle Dept., Topeka, Kansas. C. M. VOELKER, Supt., Vehicle Department, State Highway Commission. i ‘Kansas Cc. M. VOELKER, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS IMPORTANT TO AVOID DELAY ALWAYS REFER Sa caaiaccied VEHICLE DEPARTMENT occ en TOPEKA September 22, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Under the Kansas law it is not permissible for one person to hold two like licenses for the current period, July 1, 1943, to July 1, 1945. Our records show that you were issued operator's license No. 16-7764. We now find that you have mde a second application te this current period, this application being No. 16-16368. We will,therefore, ask that you return receipt No. 16-16368, which was given you at the time second applica- tion was made, in order that we may authorize a refund of the 40-cent fee which accompanied this application. Enclosed is an application for a duplicate. If the photostatic copy of your original license has been lost or destroyed and you desire a duplicate, please complete the form and return to this office. The regular fee for a duplicate being 25 cents, we will deduct this amount from the 40 cents remitted for your second application, and the 15-cent refund will be authorized and mailed you in due time. Assuring you of our desire to be of service to you at all times, we are, Very truly yours, C. M. VOELKER, Superintendent Vehicle Departmen 4‘ kK. Alten, Supersizee? river's License Division JAA :MEH Ene. Dup app Septemyar 4, 1944, BOY? Vi ACLBT SA perexegpr yy Ccowep* DYFROCLOS, SL EPASTCeT By ee Mrs. Stella Allen, AeLA eTreener’ Aenne® - 9839 Winner Road, we - was and planers, of, mtn hin ions er ee pynTie sug ewenfA Tu glad to inow af the suooose of Hubert, Jr. He is = vil fps Peart efbtovamsiratipe}ipitoe! = vou fro Pe go on pry aM ary Mary whiner meee — t wanyg yor B byes vpme? | ser mest te 72 e, sae CS paoe ~ LALAE Pe = e re avy “ ie OS ae am he... derma. an ¥ at. na 48h fo en indotoretant “rot G67 J bie me wees pe Syeq go weae PTH poLxe fu xa” oo gy No, you certainly have not asked teo much of m. In fact, aS ie chop ed onl: cert ae free to eall upen sha ee nteeedas Se A” i #PINEK bid por an sy MAA all goed wishes and assuring you ‘of my very definite erest in in you and Put, I am trqosbenmgeres* yo ag20 MTEL jyowg" yea* eSeeyTr VITou" Very sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. t\ gebpenpus. ¢* Tage" teat (Virgerin Aas abetaye Aad = ? jf December 13, 1943. Mr. R. F. Milton, c/o Mre. Maurice Hughes, S3rd and Blue Ridge Road, | . Independence, Mo. Dear Granddad: I am sending you a copy of part of a letter that I wrote Bess when she was in California. I endeavored to explain to her why I accepted certain speaking dates and did certain things that called me away from home many, many times. She felt that I should let down and not be so strenuous in my activities. 4t first I really could not explain fully to her why I did the things I did, but as the years went on the thoughts crystallized and I was able to explain them to her in my ow way. I sent a carbon of the letter to each one of the children, and it was interesting to study _ their reactions. Some thought I was terribly dissapointed and hurt; ethers thought that I was gathering some data to present & the Chancellor fer a raise, and none of these things were true % that I was hurt when the Board of Regents did what they did because was bending every effort to have the most successful department possible and that meant winning football games and other astivities that I was concerned with. But the real reason was to explain to her that I felt very much as Casey did when he got his revenge by knocking a home run. I have been able to accomplish the things that I had alwaya wanted to accomplish but ch some people misunderstood. I enjoyed seeing you Sunday and an working on the problem and will get it done at the earliest possible moment. I am enclosing the letter that ithel gave me yesterday. Will you please give it to her? TI have the essential information. & With love and beat wishes to Bthel, Maurice, Bob and Buddy, or Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH ; Varsity Basketball Coach. » Missouri March 7, 1941 fo R. F, Milton, James C. Milton, George Milton, Mrs. Bessie Allen and Mrs. Ethel Hughes: The three Appraisers selected by you, to-wit: Robert L. Hood, Chris Sebolt and John H. Hardin, have viewed all the lands and properties in question, and in a conference today they have made appraisals of the various properties as follows: Home Place, 110 Acres,--Land appraised at $11,000., Improvenents $5,000, -- Total $16,000. land South of S9th Street and East of Lee's Summit Road, 150 Acres at $75. per acre 9,750. Land on Highway No. 40: , 7% Acres and dwelling 1,560. 10 Acres W. of Blue & N. of Highway 1,300. 28 Acres S. of Highway , 2, 800. 19.59 Acres on Lee's Summit Road, with Improvements 3,600. Dwelling in Blue Springs | 1,000. Grand DYotal $36,000. In all these properties, R, F. Milton has an undivided one-half interest, and the four children have an undivided one-half interest among them. The encum- brances are as follows, including Principal Only: On the 240 Acres $7,200. On the 19.39 Acres 2,000. On the 45 Acres on Hwy. 40 825. Total 10,025. Deducting this principal encumbrance from the total appraised value of $56,000., leaves $25,975. One-half of $25,975 equals $12,987.50. In addition to his share of the principal indebtedness, Mr. 2, F. Milton owes individual debts as follows: Interest on said loans $ 475. Taxes to date on lands 745.50 To James C, Milton on Notes, ' including interest 11,3501. fo Bessie Allen, Note & interest 670,50 To Ethel Hughes, Note & Int. 460. To the four children, one-half — amount received from the State in 1940 1,060. % To Dr. Stewart Gilmer $105. Total Indebtedness $4,817.50 tiatiasiine the above $4,817. from $12,987.50 leaves $8,170.50 as the net value of Mr. Re Fe Milton's one-half. Dividing Pi by five gives $1,654.10. If the dwelling in Blue Springs be set off to Mr. R. F. Milton and wife, and he be given $634.10 by the four child- ren either in cash or short time notes, this would equal his one-fifth as above men- tioned, The four children could at the same time make such further provisions as is equitable for the support of Mr. Milton for the remainder of his life. Se eee ne ee ee that all the lands be then divided among the four children. They will of course have to each assume or pay one-fourth of the total indebtedness, that is the "$10,025 principal, and the $4,817., ae totalling $14,842. 3 : One-fourth of this indebtedness is $5,710.50. However, each of the four children could deduot fram $35,710.50 what is due them respectively, which is as follows: ce kee - (1/4 of $1060) $1566. Due ths Milten (1/4 of $1060) 265. Due Bessie Allen, Note $670.50 and - (1/4 of $1060) ia 935.50 Ethel Hughes, Hote and $265 (1/4 of $1060) 7 725. Snider Dias Aaneetineth, Wek Wess iA are akg He Dee amounts s James C, Milton $2,144.50 George Milton 3,445.50 Bessie Allen 2,775 Mra. Ethel Hughes - ~ '%,986.50 | eit duedehaliien ateteatet Seiad Wii salient nants ek. gen Sho division of the lands cannot be made by agreement. On the values set, if two of the children received the home place at $16,000. and the 7% Acres on High- way 40 at $1550. they would receive $16,550., at the appraised value, and if ee ey wee ee a As ee Oe et at the 10 Acres at $1300., and the 19.49 Acres at $5600., they would have a total value of $17,450., which is approximately the same as value of the 110 Acres and the 73 Acres above mentioned. If such a division doss not find favor with the four shildren, we will try to make a division of the land into four parts, and then let lots be dram. We are going on the supposition that when Mr. Milton receives the Blue Springs property, he should have the balance due him either in cash, or notes, as it would not be practical to set off lands to him of the value of some $600. If a meeting can be arranged for all interested, the appraisers would like to meet with them, and discuss the matter, and tims get the views of everyone. Submitted for the three Appraisers, Respectfully, JHH:LB (Signed) John H. Hardin sialic actin December 3, 1943. Mr. Tom Parker, Parker Buick Co., Lawrence, — ansag. the job. This was the very reason I asked that the points | Then there was an interim between the time when I made these two trips and | had the work done. I was amazed even that I would receive a bill for such a thing as I had followed this up so defin- itely. You pay for satisfaction, and I didn't get it, and that was the reason I felt that I should not have even received the bill be- cause I tried to make it plain to your help and to you that the first job did not do the job. I would much rather have talked to you personally but it seems if our paths cross very seldom and I don't like a telephone con- tion. I would rather put my convictions down in black and white sign my name, or better still, I would like to talk to you person- » but I am leaving for Coffeyville today and Kensas City tomorrow, I just haven't had the opportunity te do it soomer. I mve had tter on my desk ever since it arrived, hoping to take care of this is the best I have been able to do. FokEgs & ace Very sincerely yours, Direster of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. : PHONE 402 7th at NEW HAMPSHIRE Parker Buick Company LAWRENCE, KANSAS November 4, 1943. Dear Phog: Your letter dated November 2nd states that you do not feel that the $2.00 charge made for removing the carburetor October 16th was justified, since we worked on the car September 24th, and did not find the troublee The $2.00 will not break either of us so we will forget it. However, do wish to state our case very plainly so you will have no occasion for complaint in the future. When a customer brings his car to George Wise with trouble such as yours, he checks thoroughly before going into any major work, and has a reputation with our customers for his efforts in trying to save them expense on their car. He is particularly careful with your car due to the numerous letters we have received on bills rendered on work done. You were charged on the September bill $2.50 for labor which included installing points, installing condenser, cleaning and adjusting spark plugs and only adjusting the carburetor. When you returned the car in October he found it necessary to remove the carburetor and free up the automatic choke, therefore, the $2.00 labor chargé. noereigp ats ; uUL- : T. Be Parker, Parker Buick Coe TBPipp “WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM.” Novenber 2, 1 943 ® Mr. Tom Parker, Lewrence, Kensese Dear Toms I am sending you a check for $1.00 for tire inspeotion end lubrication. The car was entirely unsatisfactory after I had had the spark plugs changed, the new points, and the carburetor cleaned. I immediately came back and told them the car would not start, and although there was a time inter- vening between the time when the spark plugs and carburetor were cleaned, I made it a point to come back early and state that it was unsatisfactory. Therefore, I do not feel that I owe this $2.00 charge. Since the carburetor had been worked on previously, about all that I see that was done was to allow a more sopious flow of pas. I made two trips to the garage to inform your people of my difficulty so that I would not be charged for this correction which should have taken place at the fifst trip. I mailed you on October 4 a check for $9.07. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varéity Basketball Coach. MASONIC TEMPLE Lawrence Lodge No. 6A. F. & A. M, Lawrence, Kansas. sEP 24 1943 Dear Brother: We thank you for your remittance which has been placed to your credit. We take pleasure in handing you, herewith, your new membership card. Be sure to place your signature in the space pro- Most of the brethren make it it vided on the card. a habit of carrying the card with them always. is your credential should you visit other Lodges. With kindest personal regards, I am Fraternally yours, Tod _ aurence Dndgr No. &, AK. & A.A. . Lawrence, Kansas P24 1943 Rece: SEP 24 1946 19 From Brother ot ie seat © Allen hie ee d= - eee Oe Dollars 100 Cx Dues to December 31st, 1942 c 7 No/ oO SECRETARY Void Unless Signed by Member Grand Secretary's Certificate , Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. This is to Certify that the Lodge issuing this receipt is a lawfully constituted Lodge, working under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Ac- cepted Masons of Kansas. Loman, bien Grand Lodge Grand Secretary. Official Form Authorized by Z Statement of Dues Lawrence Lodge No. 6A. F. & A. M. ¥ Brother... 62 aaa. Si Fe ee. \ yy Duse for i944. . /., .\s JX = $6.60 ; ) NN a tt yf * : ~ x ee (for we all do make oy a tify the secretary ; at onee. Sip Please write below ite of address, if any. Fraternally, W. H. Quakenbush, Secy. fa} - 7 7 | : Z Grant’ Rerorder’s Certificate Topeka, Kansas, U.S. A. This is to Certify that the Com- , mandery issuing this receiptis a lawfully \ A constituted Commandery, working f PS AY fj under the jurisdiction of the Grand \N fram, ff Commandery of Knights Templar of Ry. OZ Kansas. Official Form Authorized a oe by Grand Commandery Grand Recorder. Ce ee ee Be Molay Commandery No. 4, K. T. Lawrence, Kansas WY fi —_ Rees per UL a iS ee Sir Knight sn ee. oe Dollars oe Dues to March 31st, a a K§ J /] RECORDER : Void Unless Signed by Mesiher mR RR RR RR RR RRR mm RR rm mR ee rr rr mr er rrr rrr eee eee Grand Recorder’s Certificate. Topeka, Kansas, U.S. A. This is to Certify that the Council issuing this receipt is a lawfully consti- tuted Council working under the juris- diction of The Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Kansas. af, thee CA Grand Recorder. Official Form Authorized by rand Council. Lawrence Counril No. 14, BR. & B. A. Lawrence, Kansas Received LK 1? 920F rom Companion “hha ~ , r fo O—-"\ L244 ot AA ALLS ye £ vad : . was «___ Dollars < 100 Dues to December 3 Ist, 1948 oe ee ee Ve f b e Le RECORDER AE FP No.4 Pa Void Unless Signed by Member Grand Secretary’s Certificate. Topeka, Kansas, U.S. A. This is to Certify that the Chapter issuing this receipt is a lawfully consti- tuted Chapter, working under the juris- diction of The Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Kansas. o , af Official Form Authorized by CAA Grand Chapter. Grand Secretary. i. Chapter No. 4,8. A. M Lawrence, Kansas Received CIs. Di From Companion ef oe __Dollars NY Dues to December 3 1st, 19 444 Cider) a No a. / é SECRETARY Void Unless Signed by oe LAWRENCE NO. 4 : LAWRENCE No. 14 DE MOLAY No, 4 R. A. M. R. AND S. M. d K. T. . The York Rite of Free Masonry Secretary-Recorder, Oscar J. Lane, 900 Massachusetts Street, Phone 983 Lawrence, Kansas COMPANION: SIR Seen “Toe Rad . Olin, Your attention is respectfully called to the following OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DUES Your Chapter dues for the year ending December 31, 19 YG,, are : ; : ‘ ; os a ales Arrearages : : é : : : ; : : : ‘ > ee a Your Council dues for the year a December 31, 19. x, _» are ; : ‘ : . . fa). Meas Arrearages ; ; : : : Me [~ i Your Commandry dues to the end of the current Templar year are 43> 3 a. . ee Arrearages : ‘ : ; 3 : : ; ; : : : : : : gs Sete aisa A oe The By-Laws of the Chapter, Council and Commandry require that dues shall be std annually. A member when in arrears for two years dues is subject to suspension, unless the dues are paid or remitted, by showing sufficient cause for his delinquency. 7 OSCAR J. LANE, SF? » J, } ws De Secretary and Recorder. IAG RIO YT,